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Mono sequencer - Push 3

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:31 pm
by ezilybored

New to Max for live and this part of the forum so please excuse anything ridiculous/obvious that I say.

I have a Push 3 upgrade kit arriving today. One of the M4L devices I use a lot is Mono Sequencer. It currently does not work well with controller mode so I'm assuming won't play nice with standalone. I was going to ask if someone here could help get it working on Push 3 but decided to have a crack at it myself. The first thing I tried was adding live.banks to see if that would help. I have added live.banks and can see some functionality to add to the encoders. But not everything that I want.

My plan was to ultimately try to have one encoder that focused a step then two other encoders that altered each step (one for on/off, the other for pitch). I was also planning on having encoders to set the root/scale constraints and randomise. There does not seems to be an option to assign these selectors/buttons to encoders using live.banks. I'm assuming it is something to do with how these have been set up in the device originally. Is this even possible (again sorry, new to M4L).

Alternatively, does anyone know of a Push 3 friendly sequencer that does what I want above? I tried looking around on but didn't find anything that quite fit the description.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.