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Any ways to create polyrhythms / dotted notes ?

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:22 pm
by mattjakob
Im trying to write a polyrhythm melody just using the Push3 (standalone) and I can't seem to find a way to input the dotted notes...

Basically something like this in Live:

On push I can pad the notes say in 1/8th and then can fine tune the length of an individual note using Shif+length:

But then when I try to copy paste using Duplicate + tap on the pad I can only paste on the beat...:

... while in Live duplicate would drop it right next to the previous one :?

Is there any way to duplicate notes in Push next to each other? Or a way to select multiple notes and scale their lengths (rn if I select a bunch of 1/8th next to each other and increase the Length value it only changes the last note as it doesnt move the start position of notes to fit the new length) ... oooor any other way!
