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External instrument with CV / CV instrument with midi?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:04 am
by MPons
Hi all, this is my first post in 19 years using Live :)
I'm having lots of fun these days with my new Push 3 and Live 12. However, I'm trying something new for me and I'm looking for some advice.
I want to control my Pittsburgh Modular Taiga with Push and use the fancy MPE pads to make the synth more expressive. I have never used CV from Live, I have always controlled my synths through midi using the external instrument device. That's not the problem, I've figured out the CV tools and they work nicely.
What I want to achieve (to get the most out of the 4 CV outputs of Push) is to control the pitch and gate via midi and at the same time use the 4 cv outs for other things like aftertouch, slide, velocity, etc. That would make the synth highly controllable and it would be great fun. I mean, I don't want to use only the CV instrument and waste two outs for pitch and gate.
I've been trying several things with no success... My workaround for the moment is having two tracks armed, one with an external instrument and the other one with a cv instrument, and use both to control the Taiga. But, of course, that's not ideal.
So my question is: does anyone know of a more elegant and efficient solution to this? Perhaps some kind of Max4Live device?
Also, if there's nothing that does what I want, would it be very difficult in Max4Live to "merge" the External instrument with the CV instrument? I don't have much experience creating Max devices, but I can try if it's not super difficult. The goal would be to have an instrument device that sends midi and CV, that would be great. So, any ideas about this? Thanks!