How does one find out name of a midi instrument only named as a keyboard note?

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How does one find out name of a midi instrument only named as a keyboard note?

Post by dannyvocal » Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:24 pm

When importing pre-sequenced drumming midi tracks controlling numerous drum instruments from an Ableton drum kit that I select, sometimes in the Pad Overview you'll see that not all your drum parts are played in a particular octave range. When they are in that range, the names of those instruments appear, and each instrument has a muting and soloing function, with the ability to even double click on it to open up the very sample that is being triggered by your midi notes. HOWEVER, you might also, as I am now struggling with, see the odd drum note being played in other octaves. For example, right now most of my drum instruments from a kit are being played in the C2-B2 range, but there is a note in G3 (an octave higher on the keyboard), and another in A4 (two octaves higher). Those instruments which are clearly being triggered (I can both hear them and they appear as real notes in the clip view which opens when I click on my midi track) have NO name (they are only named G3 and A4), nor do they have any muting or soloing function. There is therefore no way to click on them and open up the sample that is being triggered, like I can with the others that do have names. I could I suppose just leave them in as is, but I normally like to edit every instrument of a drum kit that is being triggered, even if only the volume, though sometimes I go deeper and shorten the bit of sample being played, maybe to leave out the transients that follow, or to control any of dozens of functions in that sample window. It would be nice to know even WHAT KIND OF instrument is being triggered, so I'd have the option to replace if if I want with another of Albeton's endless samples, maybe one that sounds better, but without being able to solo it or control it, I don't think that is even doable. Any impressions, ideas or opinions relating to this dilemma?

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