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Windows 11 is a bust

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:13 pm
by JJ Jr
More of a PSA, really.

I'm using a Windows 11 PC. Specs are very good, but not relevant for the story. For the last few months, I've been troubleshooting why Ableton Live 11 (and now 12) would hard lock my PC at random times. I also have a Push 3 and a bunch of 3rd party VSTs, so I tried all kind of A/B testing with that, and nothing would stick.

It's a fairly frustrating experience to constantly worry whether the PC will hold during a creative sesh.

So I ultimately decided to downgrade to Windows 10 Pro, wipe my entire PC and start from scratch. I re-installed everything, and lo and behold, since then (a month ago), I haven't had a single crash in hours and hours of music making.

I don't care what level of compatibility Ableton say they have with Windows 11, empirically, it's not stable AT ALL, and Windows 10 is what I would recommend to any Windows 11 user. Do yourself a favor.

Re: Windows 11 is a bust

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:58 pm
by x3000
Windows 10 will be supplied with updates until 10/2025. after that you could freeze the system, try windows 11 again, which could be frustrating, or switch to mac. Alternatively, you could test live on Linux (or choose another DAW that runs on Linux).

Freezing Windows 10 from 10/2025 could in principle be ok, because most VA sound generators never get updates. You just have to come to terms with the fact that you can't always have more - which in turn can be very liberating. Only Ableton and many others don't earn any money with it.