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Unable to record modulation with audio

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 5:27 pm
by Clips
I have a question about recording modulation while recording an audio clip in Ableton with an expression pedal.

I’m using an IK Multimedia AXE I/O interface.
I have an inexpensive M-audio EX-P expression pedal with a 1/4" TRS plug plugged into the “external control” jack of the AXE I/O.

It works for recording clip automation in Session View (controlling a device in an effects rack on the audio track without the need for a dummy MIDI track to hold the CC data) but I can’t get it to record it as clip modulation vs. automation.

I can copy/paste the clip automation to a clip modulation envelope.

I’ve been trying to solve this for a long time, but am realizing that maybe my hardware might be the limitation.

The AXE I/O doesn’t show up as a control surface option in Ableton and I’ve read that that could be the reason? (even an AI said to choose the control surface that the pedal is plugged in to …..).

Having to take audio clips to and back from Arrangement View for editing is one of the reasons I’d like my CC data to stay as a clip modulation envelope as opposed to it going to an automation lane.

It also seems like it might solve my problem where a group of take lanes is left with only the most recent take’s automation data.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Should I be looking for a different interface that accepts 1/4" TRS expression pedals or a different pedal, or am I just missing something dumb?

(Windows 11, Ableton 12 suite)