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Specifying Midi input for mapping on an audio track

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:37 pm
by jbegin

Wondering if there is a way to do this: I have plugins on an audio track that I am controlling via MIDI mapping. All works fine. Is there a way to specify which MIDI input will control a particular audio track? For instance: MIDI Controller 20 on channel 1 sent by Controller A controls a plugin on Audio Track A, and MIDI Controller 20 on channel 1 sent by Controller B controls a plugin on Audio Track B.

On MIDI tracks you can select the input. I am using a mix of plugins - some 3rd party and some Ableton plugins. I've tried setting up a midi track to receive from a particular input, but I have no way of routing that midi track to the plugin on the audio track. I'm aware that I can send messages on different channels to accomplish the same thing, but I'm wondering if there is a way to select a particular input.

Thanks for any help!