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Problem with Roland PC200 MkII

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:31 am
by Albaertus
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to use an old midi controller, the Roland PC200 MKII.
As it doesn't have a native usb interface and I don't have a sound card (or other device) with a midi port, I connected it to the PC (Windows 11) via a Midi-to-USB adapter.
Ableton receives notes regularly from the keyboard and it plays a sound, but the problem arises when I play 2 or more notes at the same time. Almost always at least one of the notes played remains active as if the key was always pressed. Almost always to 'switch it off' it is necessary to press that key again.
Obviously this renders the keyboard effectively unusable, which is a shame.
I'd like to find out whether the problem might be due to my (cheap) Midi-to-Usb adapter or whether it's a configuration problem.
Looking around on the web, someone suggested that it might be due a failure to send the "Note off" midi signal.
Who can help me or direct me in the best way?