Preset changing

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Preset changing

Post by Tron2012 » Sun May 26, 2024 3:33 pm

Hello to everyone,

I need your help urgently,

In an audio track I'm using the Valhalla Supermassive plug-in and during the Real time input processing of my guitar, I want to switch from a short reverb preset to a longer reverb preset Without sound interruption when switching between presets in the same plug-in
How can I achieve it? It's very very important for me

Let me know
Thank you very Much

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Re: Preset changing

Post by yur2die4 » Sun May 26, 2024 3:55 pm

Might have to run two instances for the smoothest transition. Either running parallel in a rack with chain select or using a Send Return setup.

Preset changing reverbs can be messy within the same device

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Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:10 pm

Re: Preset changing

Post by Tron2012 » Sun May 26, 2024 4:09 pm

Hi, thanks for your reply
I'm not a very experienced ableton user, could you explain me in detail how to run two instances for the smoothest transition?


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Location: Menasha, Wisconsin

Re: Preset changing

Post by yur2die4 » Sun May 26, 2024 7:44 pm

Option 1: create a fx rack. This is assuming you have at least Live Standard.
You would either drag an empty fx rack into the audio channel and drag the plugin inside the fx rack, or you can just drag the plugin into the channel and then right click to view context menu of the device and select ‘Group’ which will place it inside an fx rack.

On the left side of the rack are buttons to unfold the rack and view more aspects of it. You want the view that has a strip of the plug-in but also has ‘drag device here’ in an open space below it. Then you’d either duplicate the strip or drag the plug into that spot so that you have 2 parallel channels of the same plug-in.

From there, you give each instance of the plug-in its unique settings and you need to find the way to switch between them. Personally, I’d probably create a way to quick fade audio off into the short one while audio on quick-fades on the second one.

I will explain how to set that part up later. The main trick first is to get both on the same channel in a rack running in parallel.

Option 2: send / return channels. The nice thing about return channels is that you can send several audio sources into them simultaneously at varying levels.

To set this method up, you would have Return channels, two of them, one with each version of the plug-in presets. In order to push audio into one reverb, you increase the Send amount on the channel that you me guitar is playing into. Then bring that down, and bring the Other send up on the long reverb.

Controlling this might require a little extra work depending on the approach. The mixing of the source channel vs return channels can be tricky, there are a few different options and methods. You would want to decide if you want a certain amount of audio going directly from the source channel to master, and whether or not you want any of that instead to go directly to the return channels. And whether or not you want to use ‘prefader’ settings for Send amounts.

On top of that, for the Send method, deciding if you want the return channels to go to the master or if you want those to go to another channel. If the reverbs are the Last sound in your fx strip, this method could be okay

If you have more fx after the reverbs, then it might be best to go with option 1, since it splits and then combines the channel more seemlessly on the same strip.

——for more details on how fx racks work, I’d suggest looking on YouTube. Once it clicks, it makes sense how to use it for the most part.

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