Routing returns outside of the the drum rack bypasses the track volume fader
(When track volume is down the returns are still hot)
I want to turn the entire track volume down with the track fader and it also turn down its sends to the returns and I cannot seem to figure out how from a traditional perspective.
I have tried the compressor sidechain headphone trick. I have tried track inputs being pre, post, compressor taps, returns, back to tracks, back to sends, EVERYTHING. At this point I'm hoping that my inability to crack somehow explains how sound works and that I'm trying to route in a way that doesn't make sense traditionally.
Two things to note-
1. This is for live so I cant use groups because groups dont let you name clips and they're more difficult with automating all my macros, and the diagonal lines are ugly <3
2. My fallback is to send the drum rack returns to their own master returns, then to their own input track, then running those tracks as "sends only", shooting each to their intended destination, and then finding a Max device that will link the original rack track fader with the gain stage of the rack return input tracks.