auto sampler maxforlive creation

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auto sampler maxforlive creation

Post by mercury007 » Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:47 pm

I am looking to develop a set of two Max for Live (M4L) devices designed to work together for auto-sampling VST instruments within Ableton Live. The goal is to automate MIDI triggering and precise audio sample capture to create perfectly aligned, velocity-layered sample sets compatible with Ableton's Sampler.

I have not been able to find this anywhere? Does it already exist? I've seen an older version of something like this but it doesn't work in Live 12. Also, if it doesn't exist, are there any developers who would be willing to work with me to create this?


Device 1: MIDI Trigger Device

Automates MIDI notes and velocities to trigger the VST instrument.
Configurable note range (e.g., C1 to C5).
Velocity layers (e.g., 1 to 127, or user-defined steps).
Adjustable note duration and sustain time.
Ability to trigger notes manually or automatically (with a play/stop toggle)


Device 2: Sample Capture Device

Captures and saves audio output from the VST instrument triggered by the MIDI device.
Key Features:
Uses MIDI note events (not just incoming audio) as the trigger for sampling to ensure precise start and stop points.
Captures audio for each MIDI note and velocity triggered by Device 1.
Naming and export options:
Automatic naming convention based on note and velocity (e.g., C3_v64.wav).
Customizable folder location for saving samples.
Compatibility with Ableton Sampler/Simpler:
Generates .adv files for easy mapping in Ableton.
Looping Options (if feasible):
Automatic or manual loop point detection with crossfade settings.
User-adjustable latency compensation to account for VST processing delays.

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