How do you make MPC Pads play Simpler Slices in order?

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How do you make MPC Pads play Simpler Slices in order?

Post by bibimboombap » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:09 am

I’m a new Ableton user. I come from a background of older hardware MPC’s. The X/Live/One generation of MPC’s got me into producing in a DAW.
However the Akai software is lacking and I want to be able to track vocals in the same environment as the music I’m producing.


When creating auditioning/playing slices in Simpler, how do I make the pads on my MPC X or Live II play the samples in order? For example, Pad 1 should play the first slice, Pad 2 -2nd slice, etc.

Is it somewhere in Pad Perform on the MPC?

I’m trying to duplicate the MPC chopping process. If someone knows a better way of accomplishing this than Simpler please let me know!

Does anyone else use MPC X/Live as an Ableton controller? Are there functions you still use the MPC for other than simply controlling Ableton?

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