by odisfm » Mon Jan 27, 2025 5:11 am
so I somehow managed to make this happen accidentally while working on something else. I was trying to get the script to put the hardware in user mode automatically like so
USER_MODE = (240, 0, 33, 29, 1, 1, 10, 1, 247)
self._do_send_midi(self.sysex_tuple) # self being the root control surface object
after doing so my script kicks in and gets control over the incoming midi messages, but the screen stays just like it was. you cant really interact with it, as the custom script has the controls, but setting the mode (device, mix, etc) with something like ClyphX works
anyway, super impractical, especially as you need to set the mode like that every time (not by hitting the 'user' button in live mode), but I'll leave my findings here anyway
note: this same method doesnt work for the push 1