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Can Live 2.03, Logic 6 on Mac OS X Sync

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 5:55 pm
by jamieh
I am doing a film project and would like to run picture in Logic 6 on OS X and lock /slave Live 2.03 to it. Is this possible on the same machine. I see that Klaus does it on 2 seperate machines but I have only one.
Thanks for any help.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 7:20 pm
by Guest
use live in logic as rewire object :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 8:29 pm
by Alex Reynolds
Live does not yet behave as a Rewire slave in OS X.

Let's hope Ableton is working hard on an upgrade, one which will give OS X users the same features that everyone else paid the same money for!


Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 10:39 pm
by jamieh
What OS does Live work as a rewire slave? I hate using 9 now as I'm trying to migrate as much as possible to X. It's much more efficent.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:42 pm
by Guest
Live does not yet behave as a Rewire slave in OS X.

Let's hope Ableton is working hard on an upgrade, one which will give OS X users the same features that everyone else paid the same money for!

That is so very dissapointing. I mean the app works in OSX ????????? SO WHY dont Ableton get it rewired. What was the point in releasing an OSX version if its not finished.??

Come on Ableton please do this I and many others need it

And yes, if its not rewire compatible in OSX it should be cheaper. REWIRE is essential until Live jas its own built in midi..


Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 12:12 pm
by Kingfisher
Hi there..
Does anybodyknow whether it´s possible to sync´em via MidiClock like with the IAC in OS9?
I only need tempo-sync first, not necessarily audio-wiring. Is there some tiny programlike "Hubis Loopback Device" for those Win98-Machines available somewhere?
I think there will be a reason it takes Ableton a few weeks to make Live run slave in X. All we do is have to wait a little, right? I would also hate switching to 9 again. Uahekfgupci wiuzgd widzutgizuzsxcs...
Once you worked with X, you hate 9..

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 3:41 pm
by jamieh
Ok, here's how I solved my problem until the upgrades. Since I just need to see how the music is working to picture I can render to disk and import when it looks right.
This is on the same machine, a G4 500MHz Sawtooth running OS X.2.5
I bought a cheep USB midi interface (the midiman UNO) and run the MIDI out with MTC from the Digi 001 interface to the MIDI in of the UNO.
With ProTools 6 I set up an Aux channel to moniter the Live audio. The Live audio goes out the Mac mini out to the DIGI 001 3/4 inputs.
In live I set the sync to MTC and EXT. and BOOM I get lock to picture with PT 6 running the video. Works fine for now. When Rewire comes to everything it will be great but until then...this works.:wink:

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 4:09 pm
by Guest
Well this is quite a good idea and will also work of course with LAP6.
I have an emagic mt4 but want to do live sessions outside on the iBook where I don´t want to run around with all those cables.
But thanks,

Live 2.0.3 and Logic 6 sync on OS X

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 9:11 pm
by button
Jamie ... I'm glad you solved this problem in such a pragmatic manner ... but I notice in the 27th April post you mentioned Logic 6, the solution a week later was with Pro Tools. Did you get Logic and Live to successfully sync up in some similar manner, or was this not possible?

I also noticed Klaus's solution and had similar thoughts ... I'm using Powerbook G4 800 with Logic 6 and Live 2.0.3, emagic Unitor 8, awaiting arrival of Firewire audio interface. I'd love to get Live and Logic working together under OS X. If I can't use them together via Rewire as I did on my old PC, I'd be pleased to just sync them via midi.

Has anyone had any success with this?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 12:36 am
by jamieh
I just received my Logic 6 upgrade last week on Thursday so it was just a little late to try it on the project.
It should work the same however. I'm at home with my iMac and I don't have the same setup so I'll get back to it Monday and let you know.
Logic 6 looks great and it talk to Reason fine (Reason 2.5 is killer).
There is a real pain in Logic however in that the Rewire sends are all mono and setting up a stereo reverb for a stereo instrument has eluded me so far. It's simple in ProTools.. I'll have to explore it further. Anyone else using Reason and the Effects in Logic please chime in.
More later,

Logic 6 and Live no sync

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 7:55 pm
by jamieh
Well I just tried to sync Logic 6 and Live 2.0.3 the same way I did with Pro Tools and it would not work. :( I tried many different settings but Live fails to respond to the clock coming over the UNO interface. I can see the UNO responding to the clock so I'm not clear as to why this doesn't work.
In may be that REMAIN ACTIVE IN BACKGROUND setting that Pro tools has and Logic doesn't has something to do with it. It's a shame, I'll have to wait for rewire Live support for that one. At least it syncs to Pro Tools.

Live 2.0.3 and Logic 6 sync on OS X

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 8:58 pm
by button
Well ... thanks for trying! I can skip purchasing that 2nd midi interface.

I just came across a program called midipipe
seems to be a midi data stream modifier for os x.

A musician I know says Midi patchbay 1.0 should solve this problem

Both of these are freeware but I didn't have time to download or check them out yet.


Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 4:41 pm
by jamieh
Here is how to sync Logic 6 with MIDI Patchbay to Live 2.0.3.
Open MIDI Patchbay. Create a new patch. Create a new virtual input and call it intoMIDIpatchbay. Create a new virtual out and call it outfromMIDIpatchbay. Make sure that patch is highlighted and under the OTHER tab check the box that says ALLOW MIDI CLOCK.
Save this document as MIDI CLOCK PATCHER and quit MIDI Patchbay.
Open Logic and under sync UNCHECK the box AUTO SYNC. (This will case a midi feedback loop if checked.
Now open MIDI patchbay and open the Clock document and highlight the clock patch.
In Logic under syncronisation check the MIDI clock box and choose intoMIDIpatchbay in the pull down menu OR check the MTC box and choose intoMIDIpatchbay in the pull down box. Make sure the session start is for 1111 = smpte 00:00:00:00.
Open Ableton Live and in preferences choose the sync option outfromMIDIpatchbay and choose either MTC sync or MIDI clock.
On the transport panel check the EXT sync box and go back to Logic.
When you hit Play on Logic, Live should follow.
Now, having said that I have had little luck in using MIDI Clock sync but MIDI TIME CODE seems to work just fine. For me working to picture this is good. I just set the Logic BPM the same as the Live session and can hit things pretty well. There is some lag time and things that start on the 1st
beat of the first measure get cut off so I start things on measure 2.
Seems to be worth experimenting with until things get fixed with rewire.
This should work with any apps that allow this sort of syncing.


Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 11:16 pm
by jamieh
After some more testing I've concluded that the MIDI Patchbay and the APP called MIDI PIPE both will do the sync job. There seems to be some stutter issues with MIDI CLOCK and not so much with MTC.
I've also found that you can use my method of syncing with a cheap midi interface and the DIGI 001 box with Logic and Live. You need to set Logic up first and make sure the AUTO SYNC is unchecked in Logic. (This is true with all of the above methods). The external sync loop with hardware seems stronger and less prone to dropped or stuttered audio to me on my machine a 500MHz G4.
Hope this helps anyone and feel free to ask questions. I'm using this primarily for composing to picture and it seems to work.

LIve and Logic in sync on OSx

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 11:25 am
by button
I have tried to sync LAP 6.01, Live 2.03 using MIDI Patchbay 1.0 on my Powerbook G4 800.

Basically, I used the same method Jamie describes earlier in this thread. Using MTC, Logic starts and stops Live :) , but Live runs constantly at 130 bpm (Live's default tempo) :cry: Using Midi clock, Logic starts Live, but live instantly stutters and audio cuts off, and arrange page corrupts - frustrating, as I can see Live is recieving correct clock still because of EXT display blinking in time.

In theory, I should be able to achieve a similar hardware solution as Jamie using my emagic Unitor 8 mkII. I've tried patching clock/MTC between Logic and Live using various ports, but not a bloody sausage!

Normally I only use SMTE sync, am I missing something on Logic with MTC, Jamie? I've enabled Synchronisation/Transmit MTC, do I need any midi data recorded in the actual Logic song to clock Live at the correct tempo?

I see from the forums here that some other users have had problems with external midi clock and Live. Unfortunately I can't aford to waste any more time on this, many, many thanks for your posts, Jamie. I'm glad you solved this, I suppose your success is as a result of the particular hardware combination you are using.