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Piano Roll: simplified DRAW mode

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:23 am
by rizem
Regarding the PIANO ROLL: (this may have already been said...but here we go)

In DRAW mode, a user should be able to draw a given note that will either snap to grid or if he or she desires go beyond the next snap/grid point simply by holding down the ALT key for example, rather than switching back and forth from DRAW mode to NON-DRAW mode.

I.e. the ALT key whilst held down in DRAW mode overwrites the SNAP to GRID functionality.

Or alternatively whilst in DRAW mode you should be able to write notes of any length you desire that will either snap to the grid or go beyong the grid point if you drag on.

It's a tedious task that hinders the work flow of a a musician switching back and forth beteween modes, I really thought this would have been a given in concept & design!

Whether or not this falls on deaf ears, who knows, it had to be said...

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:52 pm
by Ian F
Totally agree at present its a bit clunky. In Reason you hold down (I think Alt) then you can edit the note you`ve just drawn. Even better is the Piano Roll in FL Studio you dont have to do anything just move the cursor over the note and you can change the length.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:38 am
by rizem
Reason, FL is good in that respect as in Cubase, but they are not my kind of environment to work in - anymore.

Overtime I'd assume Ableton will gain more of a strong hold position as it boosts its feature set, but ironing out problems like this and the one found in the following URL will be a treat and go a long way to making this program just that more functional to work with.. ... 5c4284399d

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:21 am
by jmp909
i agree too...

draw mode should allow you to draw! it might help if there was a "brush" mode (this draws successive quantized notes in cubase etc). you could probably just let it do this by holding shift or something.

but i think that holding the pen over the left or right edge of a note should switch to the stretch the way it does when your not in draw mode, either that or at least if you hold down a modifier key like alt or ctrl. having to CTRL+B before doing anything is a pain.

how about

SHIFT + LMB puts the pen in quantized (brush) draw mode
ALT + LMB activates stretch.. (it already does vertically for velocity anyway so why not add horizontal)
ALT + SHIFT + LMB = Quantized stretch

and maybe even something for Glue notes and Cut (split) notes (and cut notes with quantize...but we're running out of modifier keys!.. you'd maybe need a new draw-type selection button or change mode with right click menu) actually you still have CTRL+LMB (glue), CTRL+ALT+LMB (split) and CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+LMB (quantized split)


Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:50 am
by Fledz
I agree. The piano roll is rather bad in Live and definitely hinders a producer when creating or editing a melody.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:43 pm
by davec1
agreed, it's very clunky, having to go ctrl-b all the time, accidentally deleting notes because you clicked on them etc...