multiple loop regions in arrange view?

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honda suzuki

multiple loop regions in arrange view?

Post by honda suzuki » Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:29 pm

can this be done? or is there just the one 'main' loop region that you can dynamically place on the fly...

if ive got tracks laid out in arrange view, id like to be able to pre-set a dozen or so loop markers, as well as have the ability to punch-in/select a loop region on the fly.

any suggestions? thanks much.



Post by Guest » Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:35 pm

sounds like a good idea, but it is currently a dream. a sidenote that is currently a bit of a pain--sometimes for punching in something i'll zoom way into a note and painstakingly get my punch in and out points (the arranger loop region) just right. then i'll zoom out, and occasionally accidentally move the loop region. This sucks, as it seems to be one of the few moves in live that can't be undone by using undo. Having more control over these, and indeed being able to save or have multiple regions to choose from could be useful--seems like that expanded arranger punch/loop fuctionality should come hand in hand with Markers, which are sorely needed ihmo.


honda suzuki

multiple loop regions in arrange view?

Post by honda suzuki » Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:19 pm

then i'll zoom out, and occasionally accidentally move the loop region. This sucks, as it seems to be one of the few moves in live that can't be undone by using undo.
totally. i recently did a performance with Live and 5 min into the set, i was trying to zoom into a different spot on the timeline (arrange view) and accidentally clicked about a half cm above the beat grid and ended up moving my loop region by clicking in the wrong place. basically, i meant to zoom in and set up for my next loop region setting and ended up moving the current loop region (which was currently looping) and skipping about 2 min of the track... talk about an abrupt intro!

yes, markers and multiple loop regions = definitely needed!


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