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*real* MIDI sync - no rounding

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:34 am
by pbajzek
Live should sync to external MIDI devices without rounding the MIDI clock signal. Example: I have multiple tracks of Augustus Loop set up to create seamless sound-on-sound loops of differing lengths. One is set up as my "master" (sends MIDI clock to Live), the other 3 sync to live. In theory I can create some amazing polyrhythmic textures and soundscapes with 2 foot taps as I play my guitar. In reality, Live sends a bogus, approximate tempo to the slaved loops, so nothing syncs. So close, but so far...

Unforgiveable for a "professional" application; I would be singing Live's praises at my gigs, except for stupid shortcuts like this that limit my performance options.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:51 pm
by os
I agree, this is very frustrating.

A possible workaround would be for me to put an option into Augustus so it only ever generated rounded tempos. It would have to do something odd with your foot taps though... i.e. the loop time you got wouldn't be _exactly_ what you tapped, but maybe it would be close enough.

It would be so much simpler for Live just to use the correct tempo though.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:32 am
by pbajzek
Hi, Os,
Ironically, I almost suggested this to you, but your observation really is correct- if only rounded tempos were generated by Augustus, then most if not all loops would end up with glitches in them. I know my approach would not work well.
But it seems to me that this isn't the only case to be made for accurate tempos- surely there are other cases where more accurate tempo would be needed (syncing to external sequencers, etc.).
Any serious piece of MIDI equipment should be able to sync accurately. If TC Electronics could do it 20 years ago with the 2290, I don't see why we should have no way to match that with our hot new technology.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:24 pm
by os
People may be interested to know that I've implemented this feature in Augustus Loop 1.6.3 which you can get here: ... loads.html