Routing The Output Of One PC To Input To A Track On Another

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Routing The Output Of One PC To Input To A Track On Another

Post by Teedub » Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:29 am

I've got two PCs and I want to use them both in tandem to basically double my processing ability in Live. I've got Live loaded on both PCs. Can I effectively use one PC as an instrument by routing the master output of Secondary PC into an audio track on Primary PC while forcing Secondary PC to conform to the tempo at which Primary PC is running? Like a ReWire slave situation but with two seperate computers? If so, how? How cool would that be? If it's possible to do this cheaply, I'm going to go completely ape.
If there are resources on the web detailing the process of doing such a thing, point me to em! I want twice as much stuff to play with in a song!

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