desktop mac assorted audio card problems

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desktop mac assorted audio card problems

Post by submodern » Wed May 01, 2002 9:31 pm

was playing around with the setting on my desktop mac (g4/450dp, macos 9.1, live 1.5) last night and had some problems.

first, using the sound manager driver for my oasys card results in distorted sounds. also, if i go in the "sound" control panel and adjust the sound level the beep sounds normal until i start live, then it sounds distorted, then once i quit live it sounds normal again. weird. peak and itunes use the oasys sound manager driver without this problem. the asio driver does work fine with live, so that's what i'm currently using.

next, using the asio driver for my sonorus studi/o locks the machine up hard (have to hard reset from the front panel). even worse, if i choose "asio" it default to the sonorus over the oasys so i had to delete the sonorus driver entirely from the live folder. max/msp uses this same studi/o asio driver without crashing.

i tried deleting the .cfg file, but that didn't help either problem and just burned a challenge/response. is there any way you could have separate authorization and preference files so we could easily delete corrupted preferences without having to reauthorize?
