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Compression tutorial live on iRC chat

Posted: Fri May 03, 2002 4:06 am
by Guest

Hi all :),just wanted to let you know that the first of what hopefully will be a long line of online Irc seminars
is being held this coming monday, May 6, On the #Floopheads channel on Dalnet if you are using Mirc, or at 11 p.m. east. and is being taught by our very own favorite
master @ the mix Deck...Rhino from Fruityloops Forum :)

Rhino will be doing a short dissertation, presenting the different methodologies of compression - quoting other, much
bigger pillars in the engineering profession. He will will be giving views on comp methodology,
hardware vs. software comps, and will then open the forum to Q&A.

To make it nice and sweet,if you think a compressor is something that you use to zip archives ,than this class is a must
for you. We are all doing this as part of a community,and hope there's a good turn out so our efforts do not go unseen.
So, show up, ok! You dont even have to take a shower or get dressed for this!!

your attendance to this semminar is a must if you use Fruityloops,Orion,Reason,Acid,Muzzy,Ableton Live,Cubase,Logic,protools,Soundforge,Wavelab,CoolEdit etc.

looking forward to seeing you all there.


fruity sessions

#Floopheads on Dalnet


He who goes to bed with itchy ass, wakes up with smelly finger. :)