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(OT) So you thought being a VEGAN was cool...

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:47 pm
by djadonis206

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:55 pm
by laird

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:12 pm
by substance_g
“No matter how many times they want to say, ‘We’re vegans, we’re vegetarians,’ that’s not the issue in this case,” said prosecutor Chuck Boring. “The child died because he was not fed. Period.”

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:19 pm
by steve-o
First of all, a 6 week old child should be either breast fed or bottled fed with the mothers milk. That's the natural way to do it, and I know many vegans who breast fed their children. And what that article doesn't show are the children who are raised vegan and have stunning health. A very good friend of mine has a daughter who has been raised vegan -but she breast fed her.

I'm not a vegan (anymore), but I don't get why there are so many vegan and / or vegetarian haters. The bottom line is that medical sicence consistently shows that for many people a vegan diet is much healthier. For some, it may not be the right kind of diet for them, and they should listen to their bodies. But his vegan/non-vegan/meat eater thing is a lot like the PC-MAC debate - why do pelople care what other people are doing?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:44 pm
by noisetonepause
What, pray tell, is the reason for not breast feeding your child? I can understand not wanting to take them milk away from the cow's children, but err... this seems a bit extreme?

Maybe they were just stupid cunts who wouldn't be able to raise the poor child anyways?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:50 pm
by Contra
noisetonepause wrote:What, pray tell, is the reason for not breast feeding your child? I can understand not wanting to take them milk away from the cow's children, but err... this seems a bit extreme?

Maybe they were just stupid cunts who wouldn't be able to raise the poor child anyways?
the type to go drop a friend off at the airport, while the kid is home alone cuz the friend needed the ride bad and they dont trust no one else to baby sit their kids.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:51 pm
by Tone Deft
This has to be one of the shittiest feelings in the world.

Stupid people are the quickest to breed, hooray for the future of the human race.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:59 pm
by djadonis206
I'm neither for or against vegans and or vegetarians

how you raise your child is your business as well but damn...

it's a tragedy a little baby had to die because 2 people had alternative beliefs about how to raise a baby

I'm sure someone knew about how the baby was eating and living...sad

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:14 pm
by Davengeful
"I'm a vegetarian - but I'm not a strict vegetarian. I do eat beef and pork. And chicken. But not fish because that's disgusting!" - Comedian Jim Gaffigan
"If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?" - Bumpersticker

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:32 pm
by nz
This has nothing to do with Veganism in the least bit. It is about two stupid parents that starved their baby because they were idiots. People miss the point because these morons are waving the Vegan flag.

I have a feeling that if they were meat eaters, they would have fucked this kid up in some way anyway.

It has nothing to to with being Vegan.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:34 pm
by Angstrom
what gets me is - babies live on human milk, in what kind of human ethical code is human milk off the menu?
What next - I don't wear human skin because it's un-ethical.

I'll confess to being a vegetarian, not that it's anyone's business- it just contextualizes the above.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:37 pm
by djadonis206
nz wrote:This has nothing to do with Veganism in the least bit. It is about two stupid parents that starved their baby because they were idiots. People miss the point because these morons are waving the Vegan flag.

I have a feeling that if they were meat eaters, they would have fucked this kid up in some way anyway.

It has nothing to to with being Vegan.
but it's the murdering parents who kept bringing up the fact they were Vegans and it's how they wanted to raise their kid

Their way obviously didn't work - the kid dead now, but they got a new one, it's NICE HIGH FIVE!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:52 pm
by steve-o
djadonis206 wrote:I'm neither for or against vegans and or vegetarians

how you raise your child is your business as well but damn...

it's a tragedy a little baby had to die because 2 people had alternative beliefs about how to raise a baby

I'm sure someone knew about how the baby was eating and living...sad
I absolutely agree adonis, but the subject of the thread pretty much reads as a dis against vegans.

And I absolutely agree that the parents were stupid, and irresponsible. Its one thing not to want to hurt animals, but not at the expense of hurting yourself, and certainly not at the expense of harming a baby who is entirely dependant on the choices of its parents. I mean, why wouldn't they breast feed? Because its unhealthy? NOPE not for a new born baby - its the best way! Beacuse it harms animals - NOPE no cows or goats involved!

On the otherhand, I believe the parents didn't want to harm their child. They took a radical and extreme interpretation of a dietary norm that should never be imposed on newborn babies.

Honestly though, as a former vegan, it was very hard to be a part of that community. Many are very extreme in their views, and ignorant about the impact of a vegan diet. Vegan-ism is not healthy for everybody. I know dozens of former vegans who have terrible health problems because their immune system failed, their adrenals systems failed, etc. Obviously its not healthy for a baby.

Selfish parents.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:57 pm
by Tone Deft
nz wrote:This has nothing to do with Veganism in the least bit. It is about two stupid parents that starved their baby because they were idiots. People miss the point because these morons are waving the Vegan flag.

I have a feeling that if they were meat eaters, they would have fucked this kid up in some way anyway.

It has nothing to to with being Vegan.
I strongly disagree. Being a vegan or restricting your diet in anyway takes some knowledge of what you're doing to your body. Vegans have to know what nutritional needs their bodies have and understand which foods prepared which way can fulfill those needs. It is not a matter of just cutting out certain foods.

Now apply that to the RESPONSIBILITY of raising a baby, omfg. :roll:

These people assumed that because those foods had a superficial similarity to what they SHOULD BE feeding the baby that they were good substitutes.

It's the same if you're an omnivore, you still have to watch what you eat if you want to be healthy. Some of the fattest people I've ever known were vegetarians, idiots who liked the moral high ground but would eat any damn deep fried frozen food vegetarian boxed snack they could find with no clue on what they were really eating.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:06 pm
by steve-o
Tone Deft wrote:
nz wrote:This has nothing to do with Veganism in the least bit. It is about two stupid parents that starved their baby because they were idiots. People miss the point because these morons are waving the Vegan flag.

I have a feeling that if they were meat eaters, they would have fucked this kid up in some way anyway.

It has nothing to to with being Vegan.
I strongly disagree. Being a vegan or restricting your diet in anyway takes some knowledge of what you're doing to your body. Vegans have to know what nutritional needs their bodies have and understand which foods prepared which way can fulfill those needs. It is not a matter of just cutting out certain foods.

Now apply that to the RESPONSIBILITY of raising a baby, omfg. :roll:

These people assumed that because those foods had a superficial similarity to what they SHOULD BE feeding the baby that they were good substitutes.

It's the same if you're an omnivore, you still have to watch what you eat if you want to be healthy. Some of the fattest people I've ever known were vegetarians, idiots who liked the moral high ground but would eat any damn deep fried frozen food vegetarian boxed snack they could find with no clue on what they were really eating.
You would think that vegans have that kind of knowledge, but I've met more vegans than not that base their decisions on self-righteousness, ignoring the potentially harmful effects a vegan diet can have. For instance, I know many women who ignored their health issues for such a long time, that they had serious illnesses BECAUSE they were vegan. Finally, they started to eat animal products again (particularly eggs and fish) that dramatically increased their health. I also know many people that need to eat red meat (and hate themselve for it).

I would just like to say that I think going vegan for a while is probably healthy, and many people have great results and feel fine, but everyone should always listen to their body and enjoy what their doing, especially eating! We just don't need to fuck with animals the way we do.