render problems

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render problems

Post by twelve » Sun May 12, 2002 5:21 am

Not sure if this is a feature or a bug but in the first beta 1.5 when i rendered to audio it would record what i specified the loop to be. now it goes to the start of the audio track which is annoying because i like to put a couple seconds of silence before a track starts and ends. not a big seal because i just copy and paste a track and stretch it to the loop i want and then mute it and it then renders to the start of the muted track which i now use as the loop markers for what i want to render. Anyway, in the beta 1.5 it let me render the loop markers and now it doesn't.

g4qs os9.2



Post by monolake » Sat May 18, 2002 7:57 pm

i think i did not really get what is wrong now.
can you give me a more precise description.
( are you rendering from a session or arrangement , what exactly do you have selected, what exactly do you expect and how is the result different ?)

thanx, robert / ableton

Posts: 123
Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2002 11:38 pm
Location: San Diego, CA

Post by twelve » Sat May 18, 2002 8:58 pm

What is wrong is that when i set the loop markers in the arranger and then render with the loop option selected it ignores the loop markers and then renders from the start of the audio clip. i was expecting the loop (meaning what i selected with the loop markers) to be rendered.

hope that is more clear,

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Post by atom_b » Sat May 18, 2002 9:05 pm

Yes, I was expecting this too (and, monolake, I still do:), but it doesn't work like this. You have to make a selection ranging from the desired starting point to the desired stop on the tracks you want to render.

Vaio AR11S
XP Pro SP2
intel T2500 2GHz
200GB RAID-0


no, it is like it should be...

Post by monolake » Mon May 20, 2002 3:35 pm

.... now i see your problem. if you look at the bottom line of the render window you can see what part you are rendering. the LOOP function in render does NOT mean that you are recording the part of the song inside the loopmarkers, but treat the selection you made as a loop. this means if you have selected for example one bar in a song and there are some delays in this song that the delays which would continue after this one bar loop are folded back to the beginning. this ensures that the final loop sounds exactly like if you would loop this one bar with a delay afterwards. if loop would be switched off, the beginning of this one bar rendering would be complety dry. for the reason of doing the aditional calculations for the delays/reverb tails etc. it takes longer to render with the LOOP option turned on.

