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solution to the "open songs during live gig" problem

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:16 pm
by p8guitar
nobody wants to wait for a song to load in a live situation...

a keyboard shortcut for " open recently used sets" would be handy to speed things up.

keyboard shortcut to open a specific song would be better.

The ability to open several songs at once (1 active, the other ones in the background) would be very good!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:07 pm
by mcconaghy
It's called putting all songs in one giant set - no load time between songs, we've been doing it since Live 2.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:07 pm
by dextroc
Same here! All songs in one track also gives you a fun way of connecting the songs together and making a nice sounding set. I don't do dj sets, by the way, but connecting songs is not only a trick dj's can use to keep the people dancing.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:51 pm
by ilia
dextroc wrote:Same here! All songs in one track also gives you a fun way of connecting the songs together and making a nice sounding set. I don't do dj sets, by the way, but connecting songs is not only a trick dj's can use to keep the people dancing.
It's still a pain, when your set grows to a hundred tracks, and you can't properly merge automation on return tracks, etc. etc. They should make a tabbed multiple song interface, so we can pre-load all the songs we need but still have the clarity of tracks/scenes, etc.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:30 pm
by friend_kami
yeah, preloading!
give me.


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:15 pm
by octatone
once you figure out how to properly use the chain selector and instrument and effects racks, you can manage the size of your live set by having single tracks for leads, pads, and percussion and changing the instruments coming out of those tracks by properly using the chain selector.

I'm going to be doing a noisy one set rules them all performance and my tracks are labeled like this:

[lead 1][lead 2][pad 1][pad2][perc1][perc2][efx a][efx b][efx c][efx d] | [send a][send b][send c][send d]

note: the four send tracks actually output to the corresponding audio tracks labelled "efx". then I can use dummy clips to change what type of effect is selected to be used - and use clip modulation to automate my "sends". "efx a" is a custom built efx chain that mimmicks the glitches of dblue. and every track has a root rack that houses what ever presets I need e.g. lead 1 might have 8 different leads to select from using the chain selector.

to keep things organized I just label my clips properly by song names or discriptions and make sure that each clip has the proper chain selector modulation.

when you work like this, one set to rule them all is less of a headache. and the only load wait time is waiting for this set to load. no in between silence or prerendered shortcuts.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:41 pm
by p8guitar
How do you trigger your scenes? there must be a lot in such a huge song, I wonder which midi controller could manage that.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:52 pm
by friend_kami
p8guitar wrote:How do you trigger your scenes? there must be a lot in such a huge song, I wonder which midi controller could manage that.
thing (for me anyways) is that although racks are great, i use alot of different instruments and audio effects, and if i were to use a rack containing all i need for say.. 3 songs, my computer would die. :p

guess it depends on what kind of music you do, i do alot of dsp style mashing up, so thats pretty intense in the effect department. ive built a few racks that i try to re-use when making music, but i actually hardly ever do that, and just end up with a few tracks with a bazillion effect plugins on them, some scenes and a shitload of live tweakage.

cant really make a new set containing what i need for X songs, because of A: the amount of plugins i use, and B: that i need to be able to switch any loop at any time, and trigger any sample at any time.

none of my songs are recorded in arrangement view, theyre all live recorded, unedited upon release, and i like it that way. i could do with no arrangement view whatsoever, tbh.

with that in mind though it makes it quite hard to streamline your songs to fit within the same set.

yes, i know that follow actions are great, and i know that some of you will argue that too much plugins will drain your creativity, etcetera etcetera, but it all depends on what kind of music you do.

so please, give us some way to load sets in the background or whatever.
pretty please?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:29 pm
by octatone
p8guitar wrote:How do you trigger your scenes? there must be a lot in such a huge song, I wonder which midi controller could manage that.
I use a hand painted usb qwerty keyboard. combined with the caps lock and using no custom hotkey software, that gives you 52 scenes to select from just using letter assignments. add numbers and symbols and you get another 37. granted i don't just use scene triggers i use a lot of clip triggers as well and lots of fun randomized follow actions. but you get the idea.

also, I've lately been toying around with monomeds for further trigger buttons. that gives you 40 buttons per midi channel and has 16 quick select channel buttons.

so there's another 640 buttons to use on your scenes and clips...


monomeds = free (of course you need a ds and a homebrew cart (R4 which i use retails aroun $90 and is flippin sweet))
querty usb keyboard = free to $25 + the cost of paint if you don't have any lying around

hope that gives you an idea.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:32 pm
by octatone