Problems with MIDI mapping Trigger Finger to Ableton

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Problems with MIDI mapping Trigger Finger to Ableton

Post by afallthru » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:27 am

Hey, I'm hoping that someone can help me out with a MIDI mapping issue...

So I have Ableton Live 7 running with Trigger Finger. I've figured out how to assign the 16 pads, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to assign knobs or faders :?

Everything I've managed to find regarding mapping states that all you have to do to assign knobs and faders is:

1) In the Preferences --> MIDI Sync --> Select Trigger Finger as a Control Surface
2) In Preferences --> MIDI Sync --> Turn Trigger Finger Track ON
3) Click the MIDI Map Mode Switch
4) Select the function you want to control ie. track volume
5) On the control surface, move the knob or fader that you wish to control the function
6) Click the MIDI Map Mode Switch to exit, then it should work.

I've taken all of these steps, and still nothing...

Is there some crucial step or something that I'm missing??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by lifespan » Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:10 am

2) In Preferences --> MIDI Sync --> Turn Trigger Finger Track ON (this is for midi tracking ie showing to you that there some midi messages going in)
In Preferences --> MIDI Sync --> Turn Trigger Finger REMOTE ON doing this you enable incoming MIDI messages to Remote Control live.
So after that you can then press MIDI Map Mode switch and select function you want to control.

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Post by UnCL0NED » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:56 am


I'm fairly new to all this. But I did get my trigger finger to work setting it up as lifespan mentions above.

I only have one other issue now: In Impulse I use the presets (in the Trigger Finger) for the drumpads which works fine, but as soon as I try to use it in a Drum Rack, I can trigger the samples, but it doesn't finish the whole sample once I let go of the pad (as it does in Impulse).

I would really like to be able to have it finish the sample (even after I release it on the trigger finger), until I hit the next drumpad that's in the same "choke" group.

I probably overlook a simple setting or button, but it would be great if somebody can point the solution out to me!

Thanks in advance!

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Post by afallthru » Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:23 pm


Thanks for the speedy response..

I turned Remote on in my preferences area and tried MIDI mapping, and still nothing...I'm really stumped on this one...

Is there any sort of pre-set up that has to be done with my Trigger Finger?

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Post by UnCL0NED » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:56 pm

So I've been going through settings and buttons all afternoon and I found the answer to my question. I just had to fully open the release knob in the simpler volume section, to have it play the full sample... Thanx anyhow guys...

Hey afalithru...

I assume you have everything in "midi sync" set to "on". Also for me, I just use the factory setup on the Trigger Finger.

If this is the case and you try MIDI mapping, does it give a value to your assigned say fader in the topright corner of that fader, before you exit your midi mapping mode?

It might be, because it is usb powered, that you have to try another USB port straight on your pc. I had it with an external USB HD once, that I could turn on, but as soon as I wanted to move one files, nothing happened.

I really hope you get to it to work!!![/img]

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Post by afallthru » Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:12 pm


I do have everything in MIDI Sync set to ON

and am using factory set up....Also, I should mention that I have not used Enigma Presets at all (and hoping I don't have to)

When I attempt to MIDI map, I don't see the value show up before I exit...I have my Trigger Finger going though a powered USB splitter, so I will try your suggestion and change it to a direct port.

Thanks for the help

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Post by afallthru » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:46 pm

Well, I figured out my problem....turns out I didn't have the External Sync Switch activated...

Anyways, thanks to everyone who helped out :)

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