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OK, what's the secret?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:26 pm
by cfindustries
There's gotta be a genie in the bottle (or something)? I need to do some recording - sermons primarily - and bought a M-Audio Audiophile 2496 firewire interface to go between the mixer/amplifier and the computer. The interface came with a software bundle which included a copy of Live Delta and Propellerhead Reason.

As I try to familiarize myself with the new software, I don't see any "record" button. What do I need to actually do the recording?

I've got a tape deck plugged into the interface which seems to work OK -- recording through the MS recorder (for 60 seconds) -- as well as playback through the device -- so I think the hardware is set up and working properly. Do I need some different software to record with?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:17 pm
by zendari
the black circle in the top left hand side

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:51 pm
by cfindustries
Thanks for the reply. So I -

Click on Track 1
Arm the track for recording (the little arrow button at the bottom of the track)
Click the black Record button (which then turns red)
Click the Play button (which then turns green and the little bar begins to move across the screen)
Click the Stop button -- and voila -- nothing! was recorded.

It can't be this hard. Or can it?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 9:15 pm
by stevo
Have you gone into audio preferences and selected your Delta interface for sound input?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:00 pm
by cfindustries
Yes. That has been done. I have M-Audio FW AP Multi CX selected for both the Input Device and Output Device with Mme/DirectX selected as the device type.

If I change to the ASIO device type, the device automatically changes to the appropriate ASIO device. That doesn't seem to be the problem.

I've also got a clicking, stuttering noise in the monitoring side (yes, I do get sound from the CD player through the interface to earphones - just not to the sampling software -- like a buffer problem or something. Hmmm? To go directly from the CD player I should not have to go through the interface device. That should record from a WAV device shouldn't it?--straight through the motherboard -- but that's not an available option.

When I roll over the "clip status field" (just above the "sends" field) there is a message in the information dialog box that says "a monitor icon will appear to indicate that the track is enabled." Mine is just grey. Where does the monitor icon come from?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 12:58 am
by Porpy
Hi cfindustries

the first thing you need to do is make sure that the track you are trying to record into has an audio input defined.
goto the view menu and check that In/Out is ticked
if you are in the session view, above the Track Mixer is the I/O routing choosers. These are three consecutive boxes labelled - None, blank, and Master. The top one is the input chooser. Click this and select Live In.

In the track mixer click on the bottom button which the Arm Session Recording button

you should be able to see the volume display monitoring your input signal (if it is grey this is not a problem)
also the clip slots in your track will change to have a red record button
click on one of these and live will begin recording immediatly into that clip slot.

if you want to actually hear the signal as it is coming in, go to the Live preferences - audio tab, and activate the Monitor In Live switch.

to record in the arrange page, you go through a similar process, but there you need to press the arm arrangement recording button and THEN press the Global Record Button in the transport.

I dont have Live Delta but I am pretty sure a manual comes with it. You really need to read this because this stuff is explained very clearly there.If it doesn't come with a manual then you can always download the Live 3 manual from the ableton website.

