BCR2000 mackie emulation + 61 key VS Novation Remote 61 SL

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BCR2000 mackie emulation + 61 key VS Novation Remote 61 SL

Post by bnz » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:53 am

I'm a long time reader of this forum and up until now I haven't seen any reason to post.

I have been researching the next purchase for my studio: a new midi controller. I've narrowed it down to two

The options:

Behringer BCR2000 with mackie emulation and a 61 keyboard

Novation Remote SL 61

The reason why I am primarily looking at these is the fact that they allow some extent of "auto mapping". This is of interest to me is because sometimes when I use a plugin/instrument/effect I don't know what effects I want to map and if I integrated a midi controller into my learning process it'd help with my understanding.

Now I will be primarily be using my midi controller for production in studio, but the ability to utilize in a live environment is obviously appealing.

What do you guys think of these options?

Is there an alternative that I'm overlooking?

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