My (potential) first live show

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My (potential) first live show

Post by xxxmorphicxxx » Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:29 pm

Hey everyone. I've been a serious user of Ableton Live since version 3, but for the majority of my "career", I have been using it in a rock band as a click for the drummer and backing tracks like keys and synths.

For the past year or so I've been working hard on some electronic tracks and I'm interested in finally taking the plunge and playing my solo project live.

Keeping in my mind that my songs aren't 10+ minute techno jams, and more like 2-5 minute songs... How the hell should I do this live? These are a few of the ideas I had.

1. Arrangement view. Drag fully rendered songs onto one track so they will all just play in a row with some creative fades into each other. Each song will have one or more instruments removed which I would play live probably by using a instrument rack chain to switch between them.

2. Jam songs in session view like normal, and maybe use an mp3 player for some ambient noise or fill ins while new sets load.

That's really all I can think of. Like I said, at least at this point I am not planning on tweaking multiple instruments and filters as I go, just the on the one main instrument that I'm playing.

I will be playing piano and guitar.

Tips? I could really use the help.

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Post by theque » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:47 am

just make one big session, jam from that. use racks and chains to swith effects and instruments on each channel

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Location: Glasgow

Post by DrTroutHair » Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:51 pm

Hey morphic,
I took the same plunge about a year ago.
Initially I rendered down entire tunes minus the tracks I decided I would be playing live and stuck them in sequence in arrangement view. Which worked but resulted in no flexibility to adjust levels etc to suit different venues.
Now I render each tune into 4-5 tracks e.g. beats, bass, strings, synths, and weird shit that doesn't fit in any of the above. To give the sound guy something to play with I tend to sent the beats and bass (or sometimes just the beats) down channels 1 & 2 and everything else goes down Channels 3 & 4. This way at least there is some control at the FoH mixing desk.
I set up all the tracks in the sequence of the set in arrangement view then simply hit the space bar and played other instruments/sing for the 30-40min duration of the set.
It did take a lot of trial and error to get the mixes right and you will find that a mix in one venue can sound entirely different in another venue etc.
Hope this helps.

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