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The creepiest movie ever?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:53 pm
by abort
I am vary vary board tonight! Would like some movie idea's! So in your opinion what would be the scariest creepiest movie you have ever witnessed?

Maybe something I could extrapolate new projects to.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:47 pm
by dancerchris

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:54 pm
by kaffein
Event Horizon...

...and not really a creepy movie, just one that made me a little uneasy: Deathproof.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:05 am
by abort
Much appreciate the feedback! I'll check them out tonight. ..might have seen eraserhead or maybe I've seen the previews so much that I thought I had seen it.

its going tobe a creepy creepy and scary movie night tonight!

Thanks! :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:07 am
by Nick the Zombie
I'm one of the few people that far prefers the American remake of "The Ring," so I'd recommend that. Also check out "Kairo," which is the original version of what eventually became the awful remake, "Pulse."

"Deathproof" is one of my absolute favorite movies. I must watch it once a month at least, so I highly recommend it.

- Nick

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:12 am
by abort
Sounds good :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:19 am
by Tohtruck
I didn't find Eraserhead to be a scary movie. It is a creepy and weird and great movie tho. Its great for anyone who likes experimental (but not too experimental) and unusual films.

Another great David Lynch film is Lost Highway. Again not exactly scary but weird and creepy. Great creepy noir atmospheres and mood. I find it really entertaining because it gets you thinking and trying to figure out what happened. But like most Lynch films its not for everyone. You might love it to death or find it extremely frustrating and pointless.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:46 am
by darrelldiaz

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:33 am
by Pitch Black
The Descent

Emissary did the sfx, y'know!

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:34 am
by dominicw78
Texas Chainsaw Massarce.

Very creepy film horror film. It's actually a quality arthouse really eerie film. I had the misconception prior to seeing it that it was a dodgy over the top slasher film, I was very wrong. It's a must see.

The Shining

Possibly the best horror film ever made. Creepy.

John Carpenters 'The Thing'

Not exactly creeping but farking awesome. Great special effects. Must see.

Evil Dead

Farking Cool.

Can't go wrong with any of these they'll are at least an 8 out of 10 and shit all over most horror films made!

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:34 am
by Pitch Black
abort wrote:its going tobe a creepy creepy and scary movie night tonight!
Freudian slip!!!

Have you seen Tobe Hooper's [original] Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

<edit> dang, dom, beat me to it!

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:45 am
by Baron von Case
Nice to see someone else likes Deathproof. Everyone I know likes Planet Terror more. :-/

I've delved into horror for many, many, many years, and this one is one of the only ones to trick me. I thought I'd figured out all the formulas.

Creepy stuff? Non-fiction-wise, the James Vance vs. Motley Crue case documentary was scary as hell to me.

Brothers Quay make some scary animations.

Um, um... Movies. I'm blank.

AVOID AT ALL COSTS: Haute Tension, Silent Hill.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:55 am
by j2j
Toy Story

^-- nt jk, creepy hidden wallpapers, and all sorts of wacky disney craziness....


doom generation, faces of death.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:56 am
by lola

Rec is my fav at this moment.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:51 am
by stonee

my freind is a conceptual artist, and is fucked in the head. but this... this left him speechless.....