Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

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Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by deejoe » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:11 am

I'm using Ableton Live 8, and yesterday did the update for 8.08 , and throughout my use for this sequencer, there was a little bug that I never noticed, that I wanna share it with you, some of you might know it and some not...But maybe someone can help me out in finding out the solution for this bug...

Today while I was starting a new track from scratch, I was going through the kicks of Thomas Penton from His Essential Drums & Percussions, and I loved Kick was so rounded, and clean exactly like I want it...Now I never used midis with kicks, I always like to drag my kick directly to the sequencer and treat it as an audio file...


The kick sounded so muddy when I dragged it to the sequencer, and not at all the same like the original one, so I thought maybe it's because of the bit rate conversion, so I checked the original which was 16bit/44.1 , and I setup my project for the same, but still it has that real muddy sound, and like the whole mid range was removed from it...So i decided for the first time to try the kick on simpler or "Drum Rack" , and I was shocked to have exactly the same quality sound of the audio through midi...

So what is the problem? and why midi can get it right? and direct audio can't do that ?
I would love to hear those who has the same Ableton live 8, to try the same experience, and don't forget set the preview volume to 0db, so it will be equal in volume to the channel you're using for the kick...and then try it again with midi and see the difference...

I hope someone gotta solution for that...or maybe i should write for ableton...


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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by siliconarc » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:24 am

turn off 'fade' in the clip's sample display

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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by deejoe » Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:48 am

Tx mate, it worked, but the first note when I play in LOOP mode, still muddy, the rest of the kicks are working fine...only the first kick...I thought at the beginning it's because of the latency...but even when I moved the loop to the middle of the project, it's still mudding the first sample and the rest are there a way to solve that.. ?
My loops sound so much like a metronome...first click different than the others...

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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by re.mark » Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:36 pm

What warp algorithm are you using?
Whats the original tempo of the Kick file thats Looped? Whats the Project tempo?

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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by deejoe » Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:56 pm

I'm shutting off the warping mode on Samples...So no warping...No Fading...
I'm using a sample kick and I draw it 4/4 on the sequencer...No loops used...
Tempo 128bpm
I looped 4 bars ....and I play...
Always first kick sounds like it's still faded...but the rest are all clear...
Sounds so much like a metronome, but It's so buggy when you're trying to play anything on top of it...
I tried to export to see if this effect still there, but I noticed it doesn't exist when I export it to only it happens in the sequencer... :?

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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by hybridjosto » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:41 pm

is it an mp3 sample or wav?
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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by Slightlydelic » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:47 pm

dont know if it helps but go into your preferences, in record warp launch in the warp/fades section there is "creat fades on clip edges" option.

check if its active if so maybee turning it off will help.

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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by ark » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:58 pm

When you loop an audio clip (i.e. you don't play it through a sampler, but play it directly), it is always warped. That means that if the length of the clip doesn't match the length of your loop, the warping process will change how it sounds unless the clip's native BPM happens to match the BPM of your Live set.

And even then if you change your set's BPM, that will change how the clip sounds.

If your clip represents a kick drum, you probably do not want to loop it directly -- what you want to do is trigger it repeatedly in time with the length of your loop. I think the right way to do that is to load it into a sampler or drum rack and then use MIDI to trigger it from there.

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Re: Ableton LIve 8 Vs. Audio Samples

Post by deejoe » Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:09 am

ark wrote:I think the right way to do that is to load it into a sampler or drum rack and then use MIDI to trigger it from there.
That's right...It worked well this way, but I just noticed it doesn't happen with all samples, when I tried vengeance samples (Kick)...I dragged to the sequencer a kick and copy it 7 times on 127bpm and then consolidate it to be one bar...and then loop it...then removed the warping....Here I didn't have any problem with the loop...

But when I used Thomas Penton Kicks, (Maybe cause they are compressed wave Kicks) I needed to use a midi drum rack to make it work without that click at the beginning of the loop...

so it's not warping problem...
Anyway, problem is solved...Tx a lot for your support guys...

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