nanokontrol issue? hub issue? live issue?

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nanokontrol issue? hub issue? live issue?

Post by oberflaechlich » Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:59 am

I have 2 launchpads and 2 nanokontrols all running from the same hub. One of each is dedicated to Live, the other 2 are for something else. Sometimes the nanokontrol for Live craps out. Could it be ....
A-Too much bus powered stuff through the hub? I thought each device draws less than 100mA and the hub itself can pass about 500mA.

B- some type of driver conflict/confusion? However, none of the non-Live devices are enabled in Live's preferences.

C-a loose wire inside the nanokontrol?-but if I immediately restart Live its working.

D- a problem with Live?

I also had a track with ClyphX but deleted that and disabled the pyc....still happens........

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Re: nanokontrol issue? hub issue? live issue?

Post by pepezabala » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:20 am

I'd say A

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Re: nanokontrol issue? hub issue? live issue?

Post by sporkles » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:57 am

Yeah - the hub is a likely culprit. I routinely have to unplug and replug my Nocturn in order to get it to
register with Automap. It shares a hub with my LPK25 and my Launchpad; when I plug them all directly into
my laptop's USB ports, they all work nicely. Actually, the LPK always works through the hub as well; I guess
some devices are just more "picky" than others.

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Re: nanokontrol issue? hub issue? live issue?

Post by oberflaechlich » Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:59 pm

awesome! thats what i was thinking trying to figure out how to plug 7 peripherals into 5 usb ports:) something is gonna have to get the just wont be the nanokontrols since they seem to be the picky ones.
