Automating Dry/Wet on a Reverb in a Return track!!!

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Automating Dry/Wet on a Reverb in a Return track!!!

Post by RSMaster » Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:51 am

Hi, this might be a stupid question and might have already been answered... But I wasnt sure how to search for it. Anyways, here goes:

If I have a Reverb in a Receive channel set to %100 wet, If I want to send that a signal, is there a way to decrease the Dry signal as you increase the send signal proportionally?

I can imagine 1 method would be to set the sends to pre-mixer and then map both the send knob and volume fader and set their max values accordingly so they both reach their desired max levels simultaneously.

So first of all, would that work? (im at work at the moment so cant try it out but will do so when I get home)

Second of all, is there an easier way to do it?

Third of all, is there a way to avoid the pre-mixer send knob setting so you dont have to touch the volume faders? I was thinking something along the lines of adding a low cpu effect into the dry signal's chain that could be mapped together with the Send knob and would smoothly lower the volume that way?

Maybe if there was an effect available with a Dry/Wet knob that at %100 wet would be total silence? If you put that in the chain you could map that and the Send knob to the same controller and you would have it?

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Re: Automating Dry/Wet on a Reverb in a Return track!!!

Post by yur2die4 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:57 am

A couple comments.

One trick is to use a utility in the return channel that has phase reversed on both channels. You have it Parallel to the effect. So Rack it, let the audio play through each the Utility and the Reverb independently. As you increase the Send amount, the Utility will gradually cancel the level of the Send amount out until your original source is zero the reverb will send out its verbiness. In dead center, you lose a lot of level since it is kind of the crossing point. Everything is reduced.

Another option is using that pre setting, but also using it in conjunction with the cross fader. A will become silent and B will start sounding. I think a problem with this is that you will lose the tail to your reverb when you fade back (unless you. Route that send to another send that is not assigned to a crossfader).

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Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:29 pm

Re: Automating Dry/Wet on a Reverb in a Return track!!!

Post by RSMaster » Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:33 pm

Thanks for the suggestions yur2die4! But I think I found a good alternative. Just use an Instrument rack and it gives you another slider that has a range matching almost perfectly with the send knob, going from 0 dB to -70 dB and -infinity right after -70. So it reaches complete silence, has the same range so its very easy to automate them together, and it leaves the channels main volume fader alone if you need to make adjustments later.
