Ableton! Someone explain it in simple terms to me please!

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Ableton! Someone explain it in simple terms to me please!

Post by Chooch21 » Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:24 pm

Having heard all the hype about Ableton recently, I was wondering if anyone would be so kind it summarise what it actually is as I'm interested in purchasing it!

How easy is it to work?
Do you need any other software to go with it?
Do you need any other dj equipment to use in conjunction with the program?
Can data be transferred between computers? i.e desktop to laptop?

Any responses would be superb!
Thank you.

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Post by suburbanbather » Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:51 pm

How easy is it to work?

As easy as you allow it. Read the manuel and check the tutorials out. It will be very easy to use if you do so.

Do you need any other software to go with it?

No, but it is nice to have some good softsynths and fx to go with it, which you can get for free. You will also need a cd burning program if you don't already have one but of course you can get one of those for free as well.

Do you need any other dj equipment to use in conjunction with the program?

You need a soundcard with two or more sets of stereo outs or four or more
outputs. You will also want controller to tweak parameters and fire clips.

Can data be transferred between computers? i.e desktop to laptop?

Yes, the same way you transfer data between two or more computers any other way. Through a network or buy using an external hdd.

Take the Live tour and download the demo. :wink:

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Post by Michael-SW » Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:51 am

Check out the videos on this site. Then download the demo.

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Post by anti-banausic » Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:48 am

Goodlord. People who don't have a clue, and who are too bored with life, or too f'ing spoonfed to check out the program for themselves.

I have always said...

Most of the fun in doing something is actually doing it...

Otherwise......everybody else can do it for you, and tell you how much fun it was.

I was, at one point, and not too long ago, an eager musician trying everything out.....just trust in yourself....try different things. you will make mistakes down this road...but you will always learn from them...

Have creative. That is all there is to it.

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And go to the Tips and Tricks forum

Post by logman » Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:53 am

if you can't work something out

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Post by Sinjin » Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:53 am

be nice, you elitist bastards. none of us sprang from the womb doing FFT's...

i understand where youre coming from, so ill answer. ive been a live user since v2. its not until v5 that ive found it to be useful for ME. a lot depends upon how you see things, what your mental processes are like, etc. i havent had much use for anything live had to offer til now...just didnt fit my needs. always bought the damned thign because it was plainly obvious how well made of a product it was that i just knew someday ableton and i would find a meeting point. i think my problems with older versions were that i didnt care to really use it as a sequencer, as i could do that in other apps- like say reason could do everythign i wanted. once live started supporting vst's then i started using it for recording stuff due to its stability, but really it still didnt do much for me. i coudlnt see it as an instrument because id be damned if i was going to convert 260 GB of mp3s into wav files just so i could get this program to play em back. screw that. i just stuck to traktor. now that live5 can use mp3s, im much more willing to think of it in djing and live remixing terms. id say we finally have a use for each other.

so..decide what you want to do. be specific. then tailor your software to your ideas. and believe in your ideas even if you dont see how to make them work yet or the technology doesnt exist. either it will, or youll get into reaktor or max/msp and make it yourself.
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Post by Angstrom » Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:23 pm

I dont think your protectionism is justified here.

If this guy had asked something like : " what exactly is VSTi" I would understand it, a term which we bandy about, but the general public doesn't necesarilly understand.

but they asked "summarise what it actually is as I'm interested in purchasing it! "

that's either really odd, particulary badly phrased or just spectaculary lazy.

Not "what are the benefits", or "how does it compare to .. " , but "what is it"

that's weird.
I had the odd impression that it was
Ableton Live is the music-production solution that allows you to spontaneously compose, record, remix, improvise and edit your musical ideas. Live brings your acoustic, electronic and virtual instruments, as well as your digital audio recordings, together in a single interface with unparalleled ease of use. In the end, Live lets you focus on what really matters: your music.
now where on earth could I have got that information?

it's hardly rocket science to click on the button marked products/Live and read the first paragraph.


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Post by Sinjin » Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:37 pm

well sure, but do we honestly do any harm by answering a question? im sure ableton just LOOOVES it when users chase off prospective customers with "if you cant figure it out yourself, youre a tool and dont deserve to join our club."

good grief. a little tolerance is a good thing.
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Post by Angstrom » Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:14 pm

but if the human race loses it's native aptitute for studied inquisitiveness then we will most likely die off as a species.

where will Abletons clients come from then eh?

so I'm looking out for them in the long run!

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Post by Sinjin » Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:24 pm

<smacks forehead>

if the survival of the human race depends on the mentoring of people who dont leave their computers for weeks at a time, chances are pretty good were in a lot of trouble.
"I shoulda done the hat dance..." - Where I posts my tunes

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Post by Angstrom » Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:26 pm


*spurts coffee out of nostrils*

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Post by Emissary » Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:42 pm

Live is F*ucking shit, dont buy it!! spend all your money on MMORPG's

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