Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by H20nly » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:35 pm

funken wrote:
sdfak1234 wrote:
simmerdown wrote:hey what about bitwig

i would like to see a virtual cagematch between funken and sdfak. topic: assumptions
I don't get this. Funken seems cool to me, he has been perfectly valid and civil. I don't need to have a virtual cagematch with him.
I am the worst SPAM-bot on the forum, just ignore me.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by d.reamonn » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:59 pm

You guys... get a poll!

"I wanted to not like your [music], but it's actually pretty awesome. Banana hammock."
- eddiex

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by H20nly » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:02 pm


which is still better than a self help book resale agent SPAM campaign manager who gets no commission!

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by d.reamonn » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:12 pm

Making music is easy. All you need is Apple Logic Pro. With Logic you can produce full tracks in just 4 hours. Other solution's such as Ableton Live have different workflows that curb some people's creativity. With Logic, you have access to software that has already produced thousands of hits. I have been using Logic for the past week and I can already say that it's a life changer.

And if you dare disagree, I'll start spamming this thread with quotes from satisfied users :x

"I wanted to not like your [music], but it's actually pretty awesome. Banana hammock."
- eddiex

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by H20nly » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:46 pm

funken wrote:
H20nly wrote: :twisted:

which is still better than a self help book resale agent SPAM campaign manager who gets no commission!
Hey, here's another thread for you to ruin with your incessant shit posting. Tell you what, post a thread on how it's impossible to give up drugs, so nobody should bother trying.
as opposed to starting a shit thread with an incessant opinion passed off as fact arrogance? tell you what, post a thread on how easy it is to give up drugs so no one should even worry about it if they try them.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by andydes » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:04 pm

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

This shit was bad enough in the lounge, now you've gone and derailed this perfectly reasonable and constructive debate.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by Donnie » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:22 pm

Back on topic...

Maybe its just me, but I really don't understand why anyone would want to defend a product based on hype alone. To attack Ableton Live and pump up something that doesn't even exist yet seems pretty shortsighted unless you have a vested interest.

But hey, I guess we are all stupid for wanting to see it before we believe it. How could we not see the logic in hopping on the latest hype train just because some random asshole on the forums says we should? *sarcastic facepalm*

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by H20nly » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:41 pm

andydes wrote: this perfectly reasonable and constructive debate.
are you in the wrong thread?
Donnie wrote:I really don't understand why anyone would want to defend a product based on hype alone. To attack Ableton Live and pump up something that doesn't even exist yet seems pretty shortsighted

i've had banter with sdfak1234 before, so i know he can be a cool dude, but this thread would not be a shining example of how to play it cool or how to assert your opinion with substance behind it. at this point, i'd say that the thread is only on topic if you change the tittle to i think Ableton fucking sucks and i predict Bitwig will be awesome, just cuz

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by simpli.cissimus » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:46 pm

simmerdown wrote:
simpli.cissimus wrote: Posting pictures ! (of their inner state...)

Here is the place where they "Live"...
dude, i think someone hacked your signature, they put a stupid gif, and some small-minded, presumptive text. i suggest you contact admin right away

(project much? i seems you fit right in)
:roll: You are one of the sheep's in the picture, everything is fine.
See the one in the back right behind the ass of the others...
That's where all your shit comes from.
No! I'll never use the Push-App Live 9 !!!

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by simmerdown » Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:28 am

i'm no fanboy you fuck, i'm signed up and waiting for the bitwig beta, hoping it will be good...and if it's great i still wouldn't quit Live, how does this fit with your hypocritical narrowminded scenario?

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by sdfak1234 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:44 am

leisuremuffin wrote:hey sdfak - i find it very interesting that you are so polite and reasonable on the beta forum, but so aggressive and rude here. why is that? Perhaps if you could get through a debate without insulting people you might get a better result. I don't understand how you can be making posts about ad hominem attacks in the same breath that you are calling people morons, idiots and telling them to go fuck themselves. It's pretty ridiculous.
Smart to have to noticed this, it is interesting isn't it?

You might be the first person to finally have cracked it. My aggressive and rude posts are in direct reaction to the ad hominem attacks directed towards me, can't believe people have only just realised that my ad hominem attacks are reflections! glad the penny has dropped, it was a good idea posting philosophy 103, maybe people won't do it now (yeah right), I can see some people have definitely wrapped their heads around the concept. The beta forum is nowhere near as rude and dumb as this forum. I have to take a whole different approach here, I've actually stepped up my aggressiveness here, its actually easier to get across that way, just speaking their language at their level. All the dickheads quoting me may want to look again at the nonsense I've been responding to... but I enjoy playing with ya, this is recreation for me.

why don't you continue your investigations and do a proper analysis of my post/reply profile, there are some more interesting tidbits for you figure out, it'll be quite illuminating.
Last edited by sdfak1234 on Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:58 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by sdfak1234 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:50 am

su wrote:
sdfak1234 wrote:Quote me or shut the fuck up little boy.
sdfak1234 wrote:Philosophy 103: Introduction to Logic
Argumentum Ad Hominem
Abstract: The argument concerning the attack of a person's character or circumstances is characterized and shown to be sometimes persuasive but normally fallacious.
sdfak1234 wrote:I'm not going to get into any kind of any arguments about what I am or not because that would be argumentum ad hominem (some people here need to learn about this).
sdfak1234 wrote:I know man, most of these kids are fucking retarded,
sdfak1234 wrote:Double Hint: You can go fuck yourself as well stringtapper
sdfak1234 wrote:go fuck yourself simmerdown.

sdfak1234 wrote:I don't "like" it, it's not out yet, I will reserve my judgement which is what I think everyone should do....
sdfak1234 wrote:Bitwig looks infinitely more modern and forward thinking, and accommodating to the new needs of audio professionals.
sdfak1234 wrote:and yes it looks like a bunch of upstarts (Bitwig) are in fact doing better, regardless of how hard that is to believe. I'm just wondering if Bitwig really do blow the doors off Ableton, will people finally then accept that Ableton has ground to a halt?

This. hahahhaha I don't even get this post, it's like half reflection... and half genuine perfectly fine comments about Bitwig? (these are your quotes about me "jumping up and down for bitwig" wow, you really grabbed at straws, you may notice the "looks like" qualifier... so the "go fuck yourself" posts are in with the Bitwig opinion posts?? they are ad hominem reactions! dumbo. do you find Bitwig posts equally offensive?

Heres another quote for you su: GO FUCK YOURSELF :)
Last edited by sdfak1234 on Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by sdfak1234 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:01 am

SpeedKing wrote:Hmm, I don't recall addressing much more than directly what you were saying. Either way, when someone seems to get personal or snarky (in a positive or negative way) over a software update, then that person needs to re-prioritize where they direct their emotion. That's my opinion anyway.
SpeedKing your reply is fine and valid, I have no issue with you... but this part is wrong, I think some people may be surprised by how believable this actually is, but whatever, me saying I could've done this myself in 3 years was the last line in a paragraph and it was clear that I was talking about the progress of Ableton, and the thread title is Bitwait, so the topic is clearly Bitwig and how long it's taking, so to me, taking that part and going off on it like some have done here is not dealing with the original topic... BUT WHATEVER.

I disagree about emotion towards an update, I mean, obviously now I've realised that I made a horrible mistake with my expectations, but I'm super angry about it, I can attribute several thousand dollars directly to it and untold amounts of wasted time. My anger is real and valid.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by sdfak1234 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:08 am

Donnie wrote:Back on topic...

Maybe its just me, but I really don't understand why anyone would want to defend a product based on hype alone. To attack Ableton Live and pump up something that doesn't even exist yet seems pretty shortsighted unless you have a vested interest.

But hey, I guess we are all stupid for wanting to see it before we believe it. How could we not see the logic in hopping on the latest hype train just because some random asshole on the forums says we should? *sarcastic facepalm*

Alright check it out, couple of things here, first of all nobody is defending a product. There is no product yet. I am defending the people who are working on the product.

I "attack" Ableton Live because they've consistently disappointed me, that's a product I can attack because I've been using it for 10 years.

Nobody is stupid for wanting to see it before they believe, but in my opinion, if you still call Bitwig vaporware then you ARE STUPID, delusional at best. If you pluck false expectations out of the air, that's not smart, also there are people I've read who see a Bitwig feature, fully described and claim it'll crash or perform slow... that makes no sense TO ME. Its more likely that the feature (as described) will work (as described), there is no need to attach any voodoo to it.

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Re: Bitwait....I mean Bitwig

Post by sdfak1234 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:10 am

Donnie wrote:
simpli.cissimus wrote:This here is the only DAW-related forum that has such stupid hard-core idiots as users
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Almost as funny as some guy saying he could code all of Ableton Live in 3 years by himself.

Obvious troll posts are obvious. Seriously, some of you guys post shit intended to inflame but get all high and mighty when people react to it. Whatever gets you off I guess.

BTW...bitwig = unicorn. Something tells me that this mythical beast is going to fly in with a broken wing and a bum leg. I'll consider it when it can be shown to be as stable as live in a live environment. Until then the argument is just a time waster at best.
This post is just banal and inane, guys repeated what others have said.. you're going to get a brown star just for being boring and pointless..... be proud of this: go fuck yourself Donnie!

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