Any camera/photography aficionados here?

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Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:23 pm

Looking for some quick advice from someone who is into photography, I really don't know much about it other than that my S100 is good enough for me.

My wife wants a new camera now that we're going to be touring Europe, and she keeps bringing up wanting a DSLR. My concern is that everyone we know who has one rarely uses it anymore just because they are so bulky and a pain to carry when you're walking around and will only use it once in awhile. I keep hearing about mirrorless and 2/3rds (or is it 3/4ths?) cameras, and how they are almost as good as DSLR's these days.

Is there something fairly reasonably priced that isn't gigantic and can compete with the functions and quality of DSLRs? What about for occasional video use, it might be something I want to use for my YouTube tutorials as well.

Really any sort of quick primer on what the options are, or what are some new options for a budding photographer would be most welcome. We don't want to have to buy a tons of lens and carry those around if we don't have to, and I'm hoping whatever we get will last for least 4-5 years. Price range is still undecided, but hopefully $700-1000, if that's even possible.

I'm hitting the google for ideas too, but thought I'd ask for some first hand opinions too. Thanks!

Thanks for any pointers.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by doghouse » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:59 pm

Your wife does not want a DSLR, trust me on this. Anyone who isn't a "enthuisiast" or pro photographer should not buy one.

The mirrorless format you are thinking of is micro 4/3 (micro four thirds). Olympus and Lumix (Panasonic) make cameras and lenses for that format. Nikon, Canon and Sony have their own (proprietary) mirrorless systems.

An alternative to mirrorless is what are called bridge cameras. These look like DSLRs but have a fixed zoom lens with enough telephoto range to do wildlife and sports. They have smaller sensors which means the image quality isn't as good as a DSLR or mirrorless if you plan on doing big enlargements (more than 8x10) but for small prints or sharing on the web and emails it's fine. They are less expensive than a DSLR and are aimed more at amateurs who need "point and shoot" capability...that sounds like your wife.

Where to start? Geez, I'm not sure. There are lots of websites that have articles about how to choose between kinds of camera and what particular cameras within each type are best (always subjective!). Popular Photography, DPreview and the controversial Ken Rockwell are good starting points. Go to your nearby big box store like Target or Best Buy, they will have lots of models to look at.

The main thing to consider is do you need a viewfinder (seriously). More and more digital cameras have only the LCD screen which drives me absolutely batty, but I'm an "enthusiast" 8) If she is already comfortable with shooting with just the screen, you don't need a viewfinder.

My personal choice is the Fujifilm X30 which is a $500 camera, very small, high quality images, useful zoom range, excellent build quality and does HD video. I have it's predecessor the X10 and love it. Check out reviews, it's very highly rated especially as a travel/street shooting camera.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:10 pm

I keep telling her she doesn't want an SLR, but she's not listening yet :)

Thanks for the Fuji recommendation, I had one of their point and shoots a couple years ago and it was probably one of the best cameras I've ever owned.

beats me
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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by beats me » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:27 pm

Do you guys get to shop the Amazon distribution centers like they’re your Costco?

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:32 pm

No, Amazon employees really don't get any sort of discount or buying perks.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by LoopStationZebra » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:45 pm

2 things:

I WOULD absolutely get her a DSLR - for the simple reason that if she really develops a passion for photography she's got the basic toolset right away and can always transition into a higher grade DSLR. Go with anything else and you're really just sort of fucking around. I would also stick with Canon. This model is absolutely superb and one of the highest rated entry level DSLR's around: ... canon+dslr

I came for the :lol:
But stayed for the :x

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by beats me » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:59 pm

Getting her the DSLR would also be a point in your favor when explaining why you need a full room modular synth.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:50 pm

At this point I'm just going to be happy if I can find a room for my studio period in Luxembourg. Not much for rent, and much smaller apartments than we were led to believe.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Pitch Black » Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:19 am

I have the Canon Rebel T4i which I use for video mostly, and its great. The T5i has an advantage for video in that it can shoot with a 2 x digital zoom when shooting 1080p video with no loss of quality - you're still shooting with 1920x1080 pixels (from a total sensor size of 6000x4000.) This doubles the effective zoom length/reach of your lenses for video. External mic input and manual audio level controls are good, but no headphone jack for real-time monitoring, though.

You describe your missus as a budding photographer. Then I would suggest the DSLR path is the way to go. If you start with a decent camera body/sensor and a set of kit lenses (mine came with 18-55mm and 55-250mm zooms) you can upgrade to better glass later and keep the same body.

For everything else... there's the iphone! :twisted:
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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:00 am

Thanks Paddy and everyone else for the advice, much appreciated.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by rikhyray » Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:43 pm

My problem with cameras was not having them with me when I "should/need" which is probably 90% of the time. Since iPhone 5, got more seriously into iPhoneography but the sensor size sets the limits, even though iPhone 6 plus camera is the best of the kind.
Since August use Sony QX100 unlike "proper" camera it is always in my backpack. If Sony wont upgrade the firmware of QX100 soon (I miss RAW), I might switch to newer model QX1 which not only supports RAW but by design allows using any E type lens.
Apart from portability those QX series let you do things you cant or wouldnt like to do with DSLR. Fantastic for candid photos, can shoot directly from hand with but also without iPhone control. No more looking for proper or casual camera man to cover my bands concerts. Place the QX in sensible ( angle + theftproof) place and control it from stage.
Before getting any camera it is not a bad idea to check what people are able to do with iPhone cameras, Jack Hollingsworth for example does half of his pro work with iPhones

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:57 am

We pretty much use our iPhones for everything these days, and for me the minimalist it's perfect. I like the S100 when I have a specific idea I want to capture and want something slightly sharper looking, but even then I leave it in B&W or Auto mode 95% of the time. :)

I know my wife wants to get into photography more, I just worry that with an SLR it's going to be one more thing that I get stuck having to carry around on trips LOL.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by rikhyray » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:31 am

Tarekith wrote: it's going to be one more thing that I get stuck having to carry around on trips LOL.
Seems like it is about weight, you know it is not any maybe but you will be the one carrying it. If QX series are not appealing to her then Sony RX III is relatively light option and much better, in all aspects, than most entry level DSLR.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by doghouse » Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:57 pm

As rikhyray wrote, the best camera is the one you will actually have with you most often. That's why so many DSLRs end up unused by their owners and phones have decimated the market for inexpensive point and shoots. Most people always have their phone with them, end of story.

Long before digital photography existed I was shooting with 35mm SLRs but even though I haven't used film for almost two decades I have yet to buy a DSLR. Compared to the 35mm SLRs I used, a DSLR is too big, too heavy and has a big learning curve unless you never take it off "A". Just like the classic synth vs. VST argument, DSLRs are loaded with menus and deep feature sets while film SLRs were knobby and made you do a little more work (focus, determine exposure, advance the film, etc.).

That's why so-called "enthusiast" cameras now exist. All the deep control of a DSLR when needed but at a fraction of the size...not truly pocket sized but one would fit in your wife's purse. If she really wants to get seriously into photography, an enthusiast camera will take her just as far as an entry level DSLR. All the big mfrs make them.

Read this article for more info.

If size/weight is not an issue, sure, get a DSLR if she wants one. Go to a store first and try out some DSLRs, bridge cameras and enthusiast cameras to see what she thinks about the ease of use. If there is a real camera store near you that would be better than a big box store as the sales people should be much more knowledgeable...they are probably photographers themselves.

Anyway, good luck.

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Re: Any camera/photography aficionados here?

Post by Tarekith » Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:36 pm

Excellent, thanks very much!

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