Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

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the bite
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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by the bite » Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:46 pm

Testing the live 10 Beta:

Copy paste notes has different modes that work different in each mode:

1.Melodic Sequencer.You can only copy and paste one note at time.You can delete individual notes and entire sequencer pages.You can duplicate sequencer pages an insert where you want.

2.New Sequencer +32 note mode. Copy and paste works as a whole.Each pad you copy , copy all notes in the pad, if you have a chord, the chord will be copied.Delete : Delete every note on this pad ,if you have a chord the chord will be deleted.Copy and delete sequencer pages works too,and insert where you want works too..

3. Melodic 64 notes:If you record a midi clip with the melodic 64 notes you don,t have access to the notes unless you switch to mode 1 or 2.

4.Drum racks: one note at the time.Sequencer pages can be duplicated , erased and inserted everywhere.Feature that don,t like: imagine you create 5 sequencer pages.An if a are working only in the 5 page if you press delete and delete a note in the drum rack, this note will be erased from the other sequences too.I think The normal behaviour should be that delete only erase the note on the sequencer page you are working.But manually remove notes from the sequencer page you are working is not hard.

So if you want to copy 1 note at a time switch to melodic sequencer.If you want to copy all the notes in a step switch to new sequencer +32 note mode

Everything it,s possible but you have to switch modes depend on what are you want to do.

AUTOMATION DOESN,T COPY OR PASTE in any mode.From my point of view we have a problem here: sometimes you just want to copy and paste notes without automation and this is how works now.But another mode must be implemented when you want to copy automation + note

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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by Sarrova-Q » Sun Nov 12, 2017 5:34 pm

the bite wrote:
AUTOMATION DOESN,T COPY OR PASTE in any mode.From my point of view we have a problem here: sometimes you just want to copy and paste notes without automation and this is how works now.But another mode must be implemented when you want to copy automation + note
Really stupid this hasn't been fixed yet. They can easily make some shift+copy or something like that to copy both the notes and automation data.
This is exactly the very same thing why so many people love the Elektrons (among other stuff of course).

I hate it when I applied some pitch change, a few aux sends for one note, and a filter cutoff change that when I copy that same note I have to redo all these automations for the copied note. Bummer. Let's cross our fingers for 10.1

ps: I brought this to Ableton's attention a few times now, and posted this on the beta centercode (not sure if this does anything).
Maybe more people should mail Ableton about this? I'm really not sure if they understand the need and importance for this.
Last time they told me it was a good idea, and they would add it to the list.
It's the one thing I REALLY need for Push, especially now there is another melodic sequencer available.

https://ableton.centercode.com/project/ ... B}&a=v&t=0

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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by grimleyj » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:10 pm

Sarrova-Q wrote:
the bite wrote:
AUTOMATION DOESN,T COPY OR PASTE in any mode.From my point of view we have a problem here: sometimes you just want to copy and paste notes without automation and this is how works now.But another mode must be implemented when you want to copy automation + note
Really stupid this hasn't been fixed yet. They can easily make some shift+copy or something like that to copy both the notes and automation data.
This is exactly the very same thing why so many people love the Elektrons (among other stuff of course).

I hate it when I applied some pitch change, a few aux sends for one note, and a filter cutoff change that when I copy that same note I have to redo all these automations for the copied note. Bummer. Let's cross our fingers for 10.1

ps: I brought this to Ableton's attention a few times now, and posted this on the beta centercode (not sure if this does anything).
Maybe more people should mail Ableton about this? I'm really not sure if they understand the need and importance for this.
Last time they told me it was a good idea, and they would add it to the list.
It's the one thing I REALLY need for Push, especially now there is another melodic sequencer available.

https://ableton.centercode.com/project/ ... B}&a=v&t=0
When I move between Octatrack/AR/A4 and Push, I find this really infuriating. For the way I work, the Push sequencer is almost useless because of this "flaw". I can imagine how someone who is not familiar with Elektron style parameter locks would be blown away by the addition of this single feature to Push.
PS, I really don't see the value of a copy function that only copies the note!

Posts: 353
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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by Sarrova-Q » Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:25 am

grimleyj wrote: +1
When I move between Octatrack/AR/A4 and Push, I find this really infuriating. For the way I work, the Push sequencer is almost useless because of this "flaw". I can imagine how someone who is not familiar with Elektron style parameter locks would be blown away by the addition of this single feature to Push.
PS, I really don't see the value of a copy function that only copies the note!
Yeah I don't really see the value either. Deleting automation if you really want that is just one step, but having to copy all the parameters manually is VERY tedious, time consuming and well, just annoying!

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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by Sarrova-Q » Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:57 pm

Pffff ... I really REALLY thought this would be fixed in Live 10. Apparently not :(
Duplicating notes WITH their respective automation is simply not possible. Come on Abes we really need this !!

It's so weird that you copy a note but all your automation for that copied note is gone.

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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by mylkoa » Tue May 15, 2018 5:06 am

+1 For ability to duplicate step automation with note using Push sequencer.

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Re: Push 2: Is it possible to copy and paste notes?

Post by jnak » Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:15 am

This is really disappointing. The melodic step sequencer could be a real game changer. I just can't understand why the duplicate feature on the feature does not work the same way at the duplicate function in the clip view in the main UI.

The link for the feature request does not seem to work for me:
https://ableton.centercode.com/project/ ... B}&a=v&t=0

Is that the correct link?

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