Looking for arpeggiator/sequencer or LFO plugin with RATE BPM

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Looking for arpeggiator/sequencer or LFO plugin with RATE BPM

Post by Buka » Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:58 pm

I am looking for an arpeggiator / sequencer or LFO plugin with RATE BPM mode. Does anyone know anything similar? I am an Ableton Live user so it could also be a MaxForLive device.

This is a mode where I can change the frequency of the arpeggiator / sequencer (or LFO) in real time, but which follows the beat. This is a feature built into Arturia Pigments VST and it is amazing. It gives you the ability to slow down and speed up the sequence while keeping to the tempo of the song. I would like to achieve the same effect with my hardware synthesizers.

Thanks guys.

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Re: Looking for arpeggiator/sequencer or LFO plugin with RATE BPM

Post by ZitstringeR » Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:57 am

LFO Tool Pluggin
most synth vst have an arpegiator some have a sequencer
sequencer look at nerve for drums or tb909
theres too many vst that do the same or similar
bpm rate is shown top left in live not sure what rate bpm means im a newb still learning myself if im sampling say an mp3 vdj tells me the bpm if i want two different mp3 but the same bpm i set one to the same as the second bpm and record in vdj so when i sample i now each track was recorded at the same bpm

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Re: Looking for arpeggiator/sequencer or LFO plugin with RATE BPM

Post by timday » Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:09 am

All Live's sequencers and arpeggiators will do this, e.g. Ableton arpeggiator plugin and Max LFO, as well as all the LFOs on live's built in instruments. Make sure the sync button is lit (Arpeggiator) and on the LFO the button with the little note on it is lit up not the Hz button. Note button= rate, Hz button = frequency, then you can automate or MIDI control the rate. The Max step sequencer is always in rate mode but you can automate the sequencer rate or MIDI control it.

Same with most any VST. Look for a sync button or similar.

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