Disable device when starting a clip possible?

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Disable device when starting a clip possible?

Post by Evengy » Wed Apr 13, 2022 1:53 pm


is it somehow possible to deactivate "external audio effect" when i start playing a clip on the same track?

example: i create a audio track and load "external audio effect" + setting monitor to off to get the best possible latency for recording and monitoring. now i record a clip and start it afterwards. now the external audio effect is still playing the audio instead of the clip until i disable the external audio effect device. is it possible to automate this through a script or something like that? would be nice if it also activates the device when i stop playing the clip.


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Re: Disable device when starting a clip possible?

Post by maximejerryfraisse » Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:54 pm

Hi @Evengy,

I'm not sure to understand clearly your problem.

"now the external audio effect is still playing the audio instead of the clip"
That shouldn't be the case if still in "monitor off" mode...

"setting monitor to off to get the best possible latency for recording and monitoring"
"if it also activates the device when i stop playing the clip"
So when do you use the External Audio Effect ?

Anyways, you can automated an on/off device button directly in the audio clip Enveloppes Panel. But that's a problem when you want to do that when recording clips. That's why I would suggest you to use two audio tracks - routing the audio of the first one to the second one. The first one would be your "recording" track, and the second one your "effect" track. Thus, by using blank audio clip, you'll be able to automated the on/off button device independently.
This is a very nice way to build some automated command in Ableton for audio tracks.

Hope that is not totally beside the point,

maximejerryfraisse / what I do = [INSTAGRAM]

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