Videosync - any feedback ??

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Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by Calagan » Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:24 am

Hi there.

Since some time, I'm searching for a way to use videos in session view, and I recently found the Videosync app.

I will download the demo and see how it works, but I'm curious if any of you had any experience with that app.
My main concern is, of course, stability and CPU use : I'll use the app on stage so it needs to be perfectly stable and transparent...

I will use the cheapest edition, because I only need the video playback feature...

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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by dougdi » Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:07 pm

I tried it years ago when it was in beta and was impressed, but it was still pretty basic at that time. It’s a bit pricey for personal use. I believe there are a couple of other tools that are similar, you probably are aware of them.

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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by Calagan » Fri Aug 26, 2022 9:12 am

thx for the answer.
Actually, I don't know any similar tool. If you know some, please let me know...
I remember I tried some kind of M4L stuff but that was not working very well.

I think I could manage 80€ for the basic version : yes it's a bit pricey but I will need such a feature for a concert in mid-september, so if it works good I'll not think too much about price...
I've got a concert today, so I'll only install the demo after that. I'll give some feedback if anybody is interested...

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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by S4racen » Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:24 pm would be the other AV Workhorse....


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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by Calagan » Sat Aug 27, 2022 7:36 am

Thanks S4racen

Yep, I saw that : but it seems more complex and it's more expensive.
I truly only need a way to play video clips in session view, with video synced to the audio.
All the video fx parts will be managed in pre-production.

Pitch Black
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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by Pitch Black » Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:17 pm

Been doing live video for 25 years, and in the last 12 months I’ve moved both delivery and a lot of my video creation over to Videosync. I have to say it’s a fantastic piece of software!

Yes, it absolutely does what it says on the tin - play videos from Session View - but to me the greatest thing about it is that video follows Live’s signal flow just like audio, meaning you can have video sends/returns - and dub feedback loops! - to say the very least.

Also, if you spring for the full version the included video effects are very effective (bad pun!) for live performance. The fact that all the video structure is inside Live opens up the possibility of having audio generate control signals to mutate the video.

My band is just starting to explore this in our live show, using four envelope followers that tap various audio streams within the Live Set and turning them into video controller-data.

Here’s a brief demo of this: ... oser=false

There’s an envelope follower tracking the main dub fx return (that’s what’s opening up the image from the center) plus three others inserted after instances of Stutter Edit, that I can apply to drums, bass, or instruments respectively. When I stutter the group, the envelope follower tracks the audio output from the Stutter Edit and generates control data that mutates the video in a sympathetic way.

Full disclosure: I was very fortunate to be given an NFR copy of Videosync, but I have to say it’s been the first Live video app that I’ve felt is ready for prime time, and it’s certainly the first that has made me switch my whole video delivery and production process. I think it’s amazing!
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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by Calagan » Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:27 am

Hi @Pitch Black

It's black friday and I will vertainly buy a copy of videosync.
I don't think I will buy the full version, as I only need video display in session view and I will not use any effects (everything will be done in pre-production).

But I'm anxious about one thing : is it possible with the intro version to fade between 2 videos when going from one scene to another ?

I'll try to explain myself better. In my setup on stage, one scene is a full song. For each song, I'll have a video playing, but how can I manage some crossfade between two songs (i.e. between 2 scenes) ?
Could I use the A/B crossfader for that ? And if yes, how ?
Or is there an effect in the full version that let me do that ?

It may be a Live limitation, because actually it's a pretty complex thing to be done with audio only : a cross fade transition between scene 1 and scene 2 (because when you launch scene 2, all the clips from scene 1 are supposed to stop)...
Or, said in a different way, the video in scene 1 needs to continue to play when the scene 2 is launched, but with a fade that let the video 2 appear slowly...
I just don't want a black screen between each scene !!!

Pitch Black
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Re: Videosync - any feedback ??

Post by Pitch Black » Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:34 am

Hi Calagan. Yes absolutely! One way is to use Dummy Clips.

If you're not familliar with the idea of Dummy Clips in Live, it's the idea that you can have clips in a track that has its input monitor set to IN. These clips can contain automation even though they are not playing audio, they play back automation and this affects any audio passing THROUGH that track from another source.

Not the easiest thing to explain, but please download an audio-only example Live Set that uses Dummy Clips here: ...


This has two "source" tracks, A and B (track 1 and track 3). Each of these source tracks is routed into the Volume Bus tracks (2 and 4).
The clips in tracks 2 and 4 contain automation that moves the volume faders of tracks 2 and 4.
When you trigger the Scene in the Master channel it triggers an audio clip and automation clip(s).

This lets you crossfade smoothly between scenes.

This works with video and Videosync as well, since video signal-flow is treated exactly the same as audio signal-flow.

You could download the demo of Videosync, download my Dummy Clips live set and swap in some video clips for the "song" / audio clips in the pic above. Then edit/adapt to your needs.

Any questions, just giz a shout! :)

Edited to add: you can also use the crossfader for video just the same way as for audio - just remove the stop buttons above and below your video clip slots, as per the example above, then use the crossfader to blend the video across scenes.
If you're already using the crossfader to transition between songs, this method might make the most sense. The Dummy Clips method lets you automate the video crossfade.
MBP M1Max | Sonoma 14.5 | Live 12.0.1 | Babyface Pro FS | Push 3T | A clump of controllers
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