Live Suite 11 Crashing

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Live Suite 11 Crashing

Post by kebabman » Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:24 am

Hi there

I have upgraded from The Live 9 suite to Live 11 Suite. I say upgraded but it's the demo mode of 11 which I'm using for 60 days before I purchase.

It's on a 2013 mbp running High Sierra with 8 gig of RAM and 500 gig SSD. I use it with a Novation launchpad X.

It was all working fine for a few days and then yesterday it was giving messages about Live not able to save and export as not connected to internet. Basically I can open Live and I'm faced with a new blank template. As soon as I move the cursor it turns into the beachball of doom and the only way I can shut down the mac is by holding down the power button. When the mac reboots I'm faced with the Live unexpectedly quit would you like to recover your work message. I've been clicking on Yes but then it repeats the whole beach ball thing. I've turned the wifi off on the mac as I thought it might be trying to authorise my demo on line etc. now the wifi is off, the beachball has disappeared but all the toolbar options are greyed out!

What's the best way out of this loop (lol!)? Is it something I need to do within Ableton or is there something behind the scenes in the mac going on?

In the meantime I've paid the upgrade license in a hope that this might fix it but no joy :(

Thanks in advance everyone.
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Re: Live Suite 11 Crashing

Post by [jur] » Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:14 am

Did you do something with the files in OSX?
Did you install the "universal" or the "intel-only" version. Since you're on high Sierra, you should use the "intel-only" one.
Or installed a new 3rd party plugin? If yes, then try to either momentarily thrash the plugin or deactivate plugins in Live's preferences.

Then, you could try resetting Live
and maybe resetting the Database i above doesn't work.
In worst case scenario you could try uninstalling Live 11, and re-install again.

If none of these helps, then get in touch with Support

gond luck
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Re: Live Suite 11 Crashing

Post by kebabman » Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:01 am

Hi there

Thank you very much for getting back to me about this. I spent 2 hours trying things out yesterday and hopefully I've sorted it. I randomly tried clicking on things, turning wifi on and off. One thing which I tried was plugging in an external SSD which has some recent projects on. I don't know if this fixed it. Prior to the crash I was doing a collect all and save on the external SSD so I could copy the project onto the macbook's SSD.for a gig. I don't think this caused the original problem as I recall working on the set fine once I'd copied it all onto the macbook's SSD.

Another thing I wondered about was during the initial crash, when faced with the message "Do you want to recover your work?" I may have clicked No at some point. Should you always click Yes?

I haven't installed any plugins etc - the only thing I've done is out of desperation is I paid for the upgrade from 9 to 11 as I wondered if this might resolve things - which it didn't.

Interesting what you said about High Sierra needing the intel version. I honestly can't remember - I have a feeling I may have installed the 64 bit version (as opposed to the 32 bit?). How do I check all this? Is the Intel version designed for chips on certain macs/ macos?

Interesting... like you say, I was considering an uninstall. I'm assuming if you ever do this it will also uninstall all the synths (arturia V collection) and plugins (NI effects)?

Resetting Live... this looked like a good way of solving this, I was wondering if there was something I could do in the mac with folders...

Obviously I don't want this happening again - I actually had to use an older mbp for my gig and use an old set.. Is by far the best thing to do check that I have the Intel version installed? Am I going to have to uninstall my (probably 64bit) version first or do I install over the top of it? I'm guessing I'll need to reinstall the V Collection and the NI plugins? Am I correct in thinking any uninstalling and reinstalling of stuff won't make me lose any song / project data?

Thank you so much for all your help with this :)
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