How to use Akai MIDImix as just as controller - Un-Map from Abletons presets?

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How to use Akai MIDImix as just as controller - Un-Map from Abletons presets?

Post by Trismos » Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:48 am

I have a reasonably functional arrangement with a couple keyboards and drum pads for the instrument inputs, and a Novation Launchpad X running along side a Novation Launch Control XL. I've been dabbling with VCV Rack and decided to buy an AKAI MIDIMIX which is essentially AKAI's version of the Launch Control XL. Ableton does NOT like it when they are both connected as they both want to impose their mappings on it. So I either get the MIDIMIX showing up in RED letters in the MIDI Ports under preferences and it doesn't work, or it takes over from the Launch Control and IT doesn't work. I knew this was going to be a bit of an issue and I have been trying to both understand the whole midi cc world and use the MIDIMIX Editor to change the preset so Ableton no longer see's it unless I map it - this being my desired outcome so I can use it to control my synth parameters in VCV Rack or what have you.

I have started by simply changing all the channels in the editor from 1 to a different value and trying to save it to the hardware so it doesn't "pre-map" but so far this hasn't been working. I have also tried leaving the channels as 1 and changing all the cc parameters - in this case 68 to 118. I do this with Ableton closed and then re-open it because it also does not like it when I'm disconnecting these devices. When the MIDIMIX shows up in Ports as RED, it does not work as a midi controller. When it does show up, it takes over from the Launchpad XL and I really don't want that.

So two questions: Can someone sort me out on how I may achieve what I'm looking for? And where might I find some useful information to educate myself better on midi cc and their corresponding channels? Thanks for any help in advance.

Edit - spelling.

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Re: How to use Akai MIDImix as just as controller - Un-Map from Abletons presets?

Post by yur2die4 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 5:44 am

You have Control Surface settings, and you have ‘Remote’ settings.

Control Surface is the automatic functionality given to supported controllers. If it is set to None for a controller, it will not behave as a control surface. But you might have to do that every time you open Live.

The other one is Remote, it is turned on and off in the bottom half of the Midi Preferences section. Remote is what is used for ‘mapping’ controllers to things in Live. It also overrides Control Surface. BUT, if ‘Remote’ is turned OFF for a controller, it cannot be ‘mapped’.

If you want to preserve the functionality of a controller as a ‘Control Surface’ such that mappings do not override it, then turn off Remote for that controller.

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Re: How to use Akai MIDImix as just as controller - Un-Map from Abletons presets?

Post by Mikeydub » Thu Mar 02, 2023 1:09 am

I had two Midimix controllers but returned one of them because of this issue. Should I buy a Novation Launch Control ? Will this work or will I have the same exact problem?

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