Questions about Novation SL MKIII with Live

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Questions about Novation SL MKIII with Live

Post by SvenH » Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:01 pm

I currently have Novation Launchkey 49 MKIII. I am super happy with how well it works and how easy it is to use, but I consider upgrading to a Novation SL MKIII for two main reasons:
* Keys with aftertouch.
* Feedback on the controller. I like the idea of being able to read the labels on the displays under the rotary knobs to find the correct knob faster when I want to record automation.

* Does the aftertouch work well and feel good on the SL MKIII? I have tried several keybeds with aftertouch in the past that work like this: press - no aftertouch, press harder - no aftertouch, press even harder - aftertouch maxed out - effectively leaving aftertouch as an on/off effect. That's not what I want.
* Does the controller always work well with Live? Is it bugfree? I have found quite a lot of discussions on WWW about bugs, e.g. the displays of the controller not updating correctly when paging through parameters. (Although most of those threads seem to be a couple of years old.) My Launchkey always works the second I plug it in without any hassle and I love it for that.
* Is the controller intuitive to use with Live? It has more functionality than I currently need. I will probably explore all its additional features in the future, but today I just want it to be easy to navigate and adjust parameters among Live devices in processing chains.


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