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Post by Piet5650 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:27 pm

I send it back...

Why this post ?

I think Push 3 is a fail, but... May be I'm the one who fail.
So I submit this to have your opinion and make a choice :/

How I m using Push 3 (and why I bought it) ?

I bought Push 3 to don't use computer anymore on stage.
I work on it since one week, and I tried to not use the computer the last two days.

My set up is :

- Push 3 Standalone to Scarlett 18i20 via ADAT connection
- External synth to Scarlett via Audio connection
- CV/Midi from Push3 to External Synth
- 48000 hz / 128 samples

What is good ?

- Controller mode

What are the problems ?

- I won't tell all the missing features we all have seen...

1. Latency problem : If I send CV pitch/gate to Mother32, I'have to nudge back around 40% to be on time. I could make Latency correction on track but...

2. No latency correction on CV tools, so I have to do it on the track but...

3. I can't do that on Standalone version. So I have to transfert the project on the MacBook Pro to make the correction and here start the party :

a. It's by WIFI... Do I have to explain how it's a bad idea ? (bad/no connection/etc...)
b. The latency time is not exactly the same on controller and standalone version. So, good luck to find the right parameter for your live !
c. Back to transfert... 10 minutes to wait... (It's a full live set) Ok let's try ! Oh shit not the good one... Back to a. ...

Rendez-vous in two days before you can play.

4. Hardware problem : there's noise in the headphone output. I tried with Shure SE 215 (in ear). And I tried with an empty project.

5. Hardware problem : crackling noise when you switch to a track to ARM it for playing with the Push3 note mode (enjoy live shit)

6. Hardware problem : mic pre-amp... ... . .. .For a live machine ... LOL

7. Software : we can't lock a track to note mode... I think any people who make live can imagine how it's a mess xD

8. User mode : useless in standalone mode, what about making our own shortcut ? Srsly...

9. Not so important to me but the screen is a joke : if you don't know really well all the plugin of Ableton, it's hell, I'm really sad for newbies... (the browser is a joke too, if you try an Akai MPC, you will understand) Bu

10. Workflow : well... I don't know how people can make something else than basic stuff on it (here I think I'm just bad at this)

What's the second problem ?

We paid this 2000 euros.
It's the price of a MacBook Pro (and a MacbookPro don't have all that problem.)

I can wait for software maj but if the hardware is fucked up...

Conclusion :

Why I'm so disappointed, it's because all that missing features are on a lot of basic you can find on the market.

I'm working in a music-shop, I can try every stuff when I want, and we don't have all that problems with other machine who cost 1000 thousand euros less.

Controller mode is good, but, the machine is so heavy :/ (there's some lighter alternative...)

So :

If you guys had the same problems but have found a solution, I will enjoy if you share it.
I want to trust in Push 3 and Ableton, but I'm so scared to have spent money for nothing.

Thanks a lot,


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Re: Last topic before...

Post by beebeeveevee » Wed Mar 13, 2024 2:26 pm

I don't have standalone, but this is the reason why not.

It seemed to me that the controller itself is great, well thought-through and well built. But from what I've seen the standalone mode is heavily compromised at the moment. Which is reasonable (it's only a first version).

So I decided to get the controller and wait for a few more updates before getting the upgrade kit. I'm looking forward to going standalone a lot, but it just doesn't seem quite ready yet - or at least not ready enough to justify the extra cost.

I don't expect it to be the equivalent of Live in a box, but I think that it's just a few big updates away from really being ready for me. I've no doubt Ableton are working on it.

I do think that the workflow will always be a bit limited compared to Live. It's just a different thing.

Ableton are really good at updating and supporting their software and hardware (the Push 2 keeps on getting big updates) so I personally have trust in them to just build on this foundation. I suppose you could wait it out, or just return it for now and see if in a year or two it meets your requirements.

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Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:16 pm

Re: Last topic before...

Post by Piet5650 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:40 am

So !
As i thought, I'm plus or less the one who fail...

Here is some solution I found about my problems :

- Latency CV problem : don't happen with MIDI (so I hope a future correction for CV) and I have to use External instrument for now to have latency correction. But it work.

- Hardware problem : noise in headphone. My bad 8O No problem with correct input gain (HIGH for SM57)

- Hardware problem : crackling noise on external instrument. => Here I had to make two track (midi + audio) to resolve this. Audio track stay open and so there's no crackling noise.

For the other stuff, I hope future release from Ableton.



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