Missing media file - replace not working, and super dark background in clip I'm trying to warp

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Missing media file - replace not working, and super dark background in clip I'm trying to warp

Post by shigglyboo » Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:31 pm

Apologies for the two issues at once, but this is what's putting a damper on my current session in Live 12.

I have an old remix project and the project can't find the original audio file. It's on my computer. I even copied it into the project folder. The search finds it. When I manually set the folder it finds it. But I get a no smoking sign when I try to drag it over. Trying to hot swap causes Ableton to crash. This particular audio file is about 3 minutes long with maybe 100 warp markers. It literally says "here's the file" but "no you can't replace it, start over from scratch". No idea what's going on. This is happening in both 11 and 12. Never had this issue before.

Secondly, and I'm hoping this is an easy fix. You'd think it would be but I see nothing online about it except how to change the theme. I'm warping the clip over again (because I can't replace it for some reason) and it's ridiculously dark. The waveform is black and the background is dark grey. What on earth were they thinking? I can barely see what I'm doing. Do I have to change themes? Because I like my theme. Just wish I could actually see what I'm doing while warping.

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