Will Ableton fix Live 2.1.1?

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Will Ableton fix Live 2.1.1?

Post by pgunders » Sat Aug 23, 2003 7:16 pm

This announcement about Live 3 has me worried that Ableton won't fix the bugs in Live 2.1.1. that have caused problems for Windows users. Given that moving to 2.1.1. from 2.0 was effectively a downgrade, I don't think I would purchase 3.0 for fear that it would be a source of even more problems (which wouldn't be fixed until Live 4, etc.)

Please tell me, Ableton, that there will be a 2.1.2. or 2.whatever before 3.


Another Guest

Post by Another Guest » Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:02 am

hmm... not sure why you think 2.1.1 is a downgrade (seems to work flawlessly on my system) nor why you think that anything in 3.0 that might have problems would not be fixed till version 4.0? If you don't like the product, don't use it.

Too many people spend too much time on this board whining and complaining instead of just working with the software... I don't know what kind of system you have or what kind of problems you are experiencing, but all of my firends and I who have Live (on both Macs and PCs) have not experienced any bugs at the moment, and for those Windows users that do... that's unfortunately just the nature of Windows.

It's sometimes impossible for Programmers to account for every possible Windows configuration because users have a tendency to download bad crap, configure their PCs in odd ways, etc. (you're probably a Kazaa user huh?)

So let's give the Ableton's a break and wait to see what they have in store for us... ok?

cool, thanks!

Yet another guest

Post by Yet another guest » Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:32 am

You're right of course. It's far too much to expect something you have bought that doesn't behave itself to be fixed? Here's what is happening here and it's not a dig at Ableton but the way software is being dveloped in this sector these days.

Once upon a time when softwre was under development it went through a series of rigorous tests especially near the release deadline cycle. Part of this phase incorporated alpha and beta test "teams" of people where a relationship was built up with profiles of their needs and the systems they were working on. It wasn't this endless cycle of "we want updates" and "oooh, can i hop onto your 'public-beta' wagon". It was discreetly done behind the scenes and everything as much as possible was worked out BEFORE the 'public' even got a whiff of it.

Amazingly, this is a system that has worked for many years in the games sector (although that is getting slack as well) and almost any other where people who lay their money down expecting any silly bugs to have been ironed out BEFORE laying out their hard earned cash.

Development costs are ongoing and the final goal of what is or isn't the objective of a particular release of software at any one point is now allowed to be shunted and paraded as "public betas" where everyone feels oh so priviledged to be part of the testing process. Peoplein many areas of software development get PAID for making sure software is working as specified not actually pay themselves be it in either time, money or potentially wrecking their setups just to get a sneak preview of the latest and greatest.

It's a suckers game. Some people are happy to endlessly wait and even "beta test" the software they have invested in. Some prefer to pay money and expect it to work as specified ESPECIALLY if features that were in there before then no longer work for brief/long periods after any "new" releases. THAT is what a testing programme is supposed to resolve. Releasing "new" versions where "new" bugs creep in awaiting to be fixed is slack and to convince people that they are being well treated by being part of the team that tests the very software they paid for is quite clever really. Or stupid, depending on your viewpoint in all of this.

Have a nice v3. :D

Tommy D
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Post by Tommy D » Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:39 pm

I had the same experience with Live 2.1.1 on my Windows XP system, and it's a clean DAW system. I don't have as many issues with 2.0.3 and I don't have tons of crap on my system. I don't think the original post is really a dig at Ableton, in my mind, it's a legitimate concern, and "Another Guest" doesn't know what he's talking about, making generalizations about Windows users ??? :roll: Ok, Macs rule, you rule dude, whatever.

2.1.1 was unusable on my system and I didn't receive any replies from Mr. Kleine about the problems I had. Even so, I love 2.0.3 and will buy the upgrade anyway and hope for the best.

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Post by raapie » Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:58 pm

I don't think Ableton will fix the problems with 2.1.1. Indeed that's very bad news since there has never been a good rewire-implementation for Windows-users. I am using 2.0.3 but the skipped-bars with Reason is still annoying.

I have a negative feeling about this new version I have to admit. 2.1.1 for Windows simple doesn't work. File Browsing and Clip recording makes the CPU take 100% and locks Windows for a few seconds. I really feel this should be fixed before new features can be added.
Marco Raaphorst

music, sound & story maker


Tommy D
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Post by Tommy D » Sun Aug 24, 2003 9:40 pm

Raapie - Sounds similar to my 2.1.1 experience, the basic recording and playback features were totally screwed.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:22 am

funny, i was having those problems on my laptop, which is a more powerful machine than my desktop (in theory) but I read something on a forum about overheating laptops without power saving if used too much for CPU intensive stuff - so I thought i'd go back to the desktop for my production and try and keep the laptop more for what i got it - playing live etc, but to my surprise the problems i had with 2.11 on the laptop don't seem to be there on the desktop - the lock ups while recording in clip view etc

XP pro on the desktop, XP home on the laptop, and the sound cards are event darla on the desktop (that card is about 5 years old now, ironically as it's the one without probs) and the laptop has a brand new EMI 2/6.

I had no probs on the laptop with 2.03 though?? 8O

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Post by SongCarver » Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:10 am

What is the driving force to get to v 3.0?

users or programmers?

honest question.

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Post by raapie » Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:52 am

Anonymous wrote:but to my surprise the problems i had with 2.11 on the laptop don't seem to be there on the desktop - the lock ups while recording in clip view etc
On my desktop I am having the same problems so this can never be desktop related. When using the file browser to check out samples, it locks up.
Marco Raaphorst

music, sound & story maker


one more guest

Post by one more guest » Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:51 am

hey abletons,

have YOU written the second and third post?

I mean 'another guest' and 'yet another guest'...

just an intuitive feeling...

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strange post

Post by raapie » Mon Aug 25, 2003 10:26 am

Another Guest wrote:Too many people spend too much time on this board whining and complaining instead of just working with the software... I don't know what kind of system you have or what kind of problems you are experiencing, but all of my firends and I who have Live (on both Macs and PCs) have not experienced any bugs at the moment, and for those Windows users that do... that's unfortunately just the nature of Windows.
The File Browsing bug for example is confirmed by Ableton. A nature of Windows is a very 'vaque' word. Windows XP makes it possible to write stable code period.
Another Guest wrote:It's sometimes impossible for Programmers to account for every possible Windows configuration because users have a tendency to download bad crap, configure their PCs in odd ways, etc. (you're probably a Kazaa user huh?)
Well that's part of the job. Kazaa I don't use. My system is running very fine and is non-tweaked. A bug is just a bug. File Browsing and Clip Recording is causing a CPU load of 100%. Hopefully this will be solved. That's all. Because of this I am running 2.0.3 which contains the Rewire2-bug "skipped first bar when using Reason in rewire-mode", but for the rest is working fine.
Marco Raaphorst

music, sound & story maker


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Post by matias » Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:14 am

gday all,
well yeah, I definately agree with most of the posts on this string, im getting real frustrated when.... "serious program error has occured" pops up and i can't get rid of it, its not my system, and like evry1 else, im abit hesitant to upgrade for fear of just adding more fuel to the fire and problems im havin,

o yeah..... where is some1's response from abelton on this string? every1 has something to say but we need an answer from the creators, ... this would be nice


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Post by matias » Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:16 am

gday all,
well yeah, I definately agree with most of the posts on this string, im getting real frustrated when.... "serious program error has occured" pops up and i can't get rid of it, its not my system, and like evry1 else, im abit hesitant to upgrade for fear of just adding more fuel to the fire and problems im havin,

o yeah..... where is some1's response from abelton on this string? every1 has something to say but we need an answer from the creators, ... this would be nice, we need to know if we r just wasting our time upgrading, maybe its time to fix the problems for us XP users!?


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Post by matias » Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:17 am

shit ay,
my bad for posting my reply twice, im just really really frustrated,
thought id say it tice :?


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Post by madlab » Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:36 pm

I work on a mac G4 800 with os 9.2.2 (live is definitely not usable for a serious user under osx, at least on my mac); I've DLed Live 2.1, but when I've read on the forums there seemed to be some pretty serious bugs inside and no mac performance optimisation, I didn't even try it. Now I'll have to pay to get version 3. But I guess I'll wait to see what happens for users with similar configs before sending any money !! BTW I agree with the statements about REALLY testing a product before selling it.

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