Something wonderful has happened...

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Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:48 pm

nathan - nice wiki finds!
Vinyl/CD time code

The most complex piece of the Final Scratch setup is the code pressed onto the vinyl. A 1200 Hertz amplitude modulated sine wave is pressed into the left and right channels with a phase difference of 90 degrees. Each channel holds one of the two bit streams required for the time code. In one cycle of either wave form, two bits are stored: one on the positive voltage peak and one on the negative voltage valley. The relative amplitudes of these peaks represent either a binary one or zero. A relatively high amplitude on either peak represents a one, a relatively low amplitude represents a zero. In each channel is a separate bitstream, the left channel is not identical to the right (disregarding the phase difference).

Finding position
The time codes themselves consist of 40 individual bits, or 20 cycles on each channel's waveform. On the right channel the bit sequence of 0, 0, 0, 1 represents the start sequence for a single time code. Those four bits along with the four corresponding bits on the left channel and the next 16 bits on each channel can be decoded as an integer position value which represents where the needle is on the record.

Finding speed
The speed at which the record is spinning can be found by comparing the frequency of the waveform being read from the record to the true frequency of the wave form on the record at normal speed. This difference represents the change from the normal speed at which the record turns.

Finding direction
The direction which the record is spinning at any given time can be found using the phase difference between the waves on the two channels. This procedure is the same as that used to determine the direction in which a ball mouse is moving.
it can't be that hard. left and right are in quadrature, making clock recovery and direction easier, after that it's a freq detector on the output and using msp patches people have already done to make the scratch sound (I think). damn, this might blow my summer.
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Post by mikemc » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:12 pm

this thread could really use that 'fingernail sniffing chimp' animated graphic.
UTENZIL a tool... of the muse.

Sales Dude McBoob
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Post by Sales Dude McBoob » Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:16 pm

longjohns wrote:
Sales Dude McBoob wrote:The person in the video is a pretty good scratcher.
And now, a really good scratcher...

Timecode is fun, but it's still a simulation.

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Post by longjohns » Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:33 am

Sales Dude McBoob wrote:
longjohns wrote:
Sales Dude McBoob wrote:The person in the video is a pretty good scratcher.
And now, a really good scratcher...

Timecode is fun, but it's still a simulation.

not a huge juggling fan, but that was definitely a great routine

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i must have missed what i'm looking for

Post by taylortronic » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:53 pm

alright, you have accomplished what i have been spending max patches and rapid eye movement trying to get done. i applaud your technological fortitude. i read all the posts (i think... not too interested in the thread heading or the ensuing misunderstandings).


how can i do it? or should the maligned thread title be "something wonderful has happened for one guy somewhere"? please, share your knowledge.

Nathan Ramella
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ammobox picked as a finalist for the CDM contest..

Post by Nathan Ramella » Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:28 pm

Wow, what a week. Lots of great responses and feedback, almost 1.5k youtube viewings in 48 hours (which, given that I haven't done too much promotion I think isn't too bad)

To top it off, I entered ammobox into the Create Digital Music Blog - Futuristic Music Design contest and got picked as a finalist.

So this Saturday as part of the worldwide Yuri's Night party I'll be competing against a collection of much more talented folks than myself so I don't expect to be walking home with the Tenori-On, but it's gonna be a great opportunity to meet and greet.

The contest is going to be at Hanger B from 2:30-3:30pm on Saturday the 12th at NASA Ames, Moffett Field in California.

Going to be a lot of crazy stuff going down, Amon Tobin, Tycho and Mr. Projectile and many others will be playing throughout the day so it's going to be a hot party.

Wish me luck!

Oh, also.. after the competition there will be an announcement regarding ammobox.. - versus / liveapi / hangthedj / ammobox

Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:32 pm

IOW you're going to attention whore it for all it's worth.

I dunno man, I just don't prescribe to this 'look at me' attitude you have. it's about sharing with the community. I don't mean to rain on your parade, ultimately the gear is more interesting than you.

so what's your take on Ms Pinky vs. what you've done?

nathan - the reason Ableton wouldn't care about your creation is that it's based on a Native Instruments Reaktor patch, I think they'd rather not bring NI more business.

anyone - if you're familiar with scratch patches in max and would like to collaborate, I'm confident I can make a max patch to do the control end of things based on the wiki article I quoted in this thread. ultimately, I'd rather spend $100 and get Ms Pinky than spend the time to make something like this, unless something cool can come of it.

I say this with the intent of making the whole thing completely open source.

or Nathan's creation is some uber cool thing that does more than he's letting on. all I know at this point is that he's got me curious, waiting... and waiting... maybe I'll hit up that thing at Ames.
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Nathan Ramella
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Post by Nathan Ramella » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:55 pm

Tone Deft wrote:or Nathan's creation is some uber cool thing that does more than he's letting on. all I know at this point is that he's got me curious, waiting... and waiting... maybe I'll hit up that thing at Ames.
Just assume my project is as you say, easy and you can reproduce it on your own. Cool, go for it man. You show me who's boss. Trump me. I'm simply an idea guy who executes on the idea and makes it happen.

I get tired of hoping for things to be handed to me and I go and get them myself by researching and making them. That's it. No magic. Just determination. Say what you will about me and ammobox, but since I bought Final Scratch 1.1 when it first came out, nobody has made something that does what ammobox can do, it's a combination of a great idea and simply leveraging existing ideas and technology.

I'm utterly surprised that you took the teaser hype so to heart that you didn't even think to consider, how egotistical can someone be who claims to be a monkey god Think about that for a second. Monkey god. Roll it around in your head a bit. Would a monkey god be greater or less than say, a human god, like 'God'.

Monkeys are funny, they throw poop. They urinate in their own mouths if I am to believe videos that make their way through the internet. The only way that my claiming to be a monkey god could be insulting to you is if you yourself feel you are a monkey and that I weren't you god. (Or, you're Hindu, they've got a monkey god, I actually didn't know that when I made the video, had I known I would have left it out as to not offend them, sorry Hindus!)

Simply put, you just have no filter on your behavior on the forums. You post without thinking and even though you claim you're happy, you're clearly not. Happy people don't hyperfocus on things they're pissed off about and fire off 20 posts a day to let the internet now how pissed off they are. Happy people see stuff they don't like, try to make it better or shrug and move on.

So if you're so happy, shrug and move on because you can't make this any better. - versus / liveapi / hangthedj / ammobox

Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:06 pm

childish insults aside, I agree completely.

take your own advice and apply it to yourself.

you have what I want but you're being a prick tease. I see that and get motivated to do what you did, that is, to make my own. for the effort and because I'd rather spend my time making music, I'd rather get into Ms. Pinky than reinvent the wheel. if I can make one and post it open source just to piss you off, I'd probably do it.

you need this attention in your life, that's sad.

that's how I see it.

what you fail to see is that we'd probably get along great talking geekshit, problem is, you're more geek than monkey, more ego than fun.

all this started from a politely worded suggestion about a thread title. then your ego got all out of control and I kept poking at the monkey because it made funny sounds, I was trolling you, egging you on, pushing your buttons because you reacted, you're pretty young, aren't you?

good luck with the project, people do want it, as soon as you're done attention whoring let us know the deets.

until then, stfu.
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Post by glu » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:09 pm


no prevailing genre of music:

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Post by glu » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:11 pm

no prevailing genre of music:

Nathan Ramella
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Post by Nathan Ramella » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:17 pm

Tone Deft wrote:childish insults aside
I'll give you $10 for each 'childish insult' you can find in my last post. Simply quote them into a response. I'll paypal you as soon as you do.

And for the record, the observation that you're not happy isn't an insult, you're clearly not.

Here's yours for reference:
  • you have what I want but you're being a prick tease.
  • if I can make one and post it open source just to piss you off, I'd probably do it.
  • you need this attention in your life, that's sad.
  • problem is, you're more geek than monkey, more ego than fun.
  • then your ego got all out of control and I kept poking at the monkey because it made funny sounds,
  • I was trolling you, egging you on, pushing your buttons because you reacted, you're pretty young, aren't you?
  • as soon as you're done attention whoring let us know the deets.
  • until then, stfu.
I think my next project will be a greasymonkey script to make your posts invisible. - versus / liveapi / hangthedj / ammobox

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Post by forge » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:26 am

Tone - you know I respect you and all that but you're being a dick - let the man have his moment for chrissakes, he's not hurting you

Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:28 am

you're a tool, that last post says nothing. you won't admit your hypocrisy?

troll blocker here.
I'll leave you alone just out of respect for the rest of the forum members who are looking forward to you revealing your amazing creation.

next time you post with a product for sale, don't let people troll you into a tissy fit, that ego of yours gets you into a lot of trouble.

so, anyone want to dethrone the monkey god and make an open source max/msp scratch tool?
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Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:31 am

forge wrote:Tone - you know I respect you and all that but you're being a dick - let the man have his moment for chrissakes, he's not hurting you
you don't see his hypocrisy? seriously, this guy's a twat.

I hear you forge, please understand this all started with a polite comment about a subject change, then me rattling the monkey's cage and him responding, I took trolling too far.

like I wrote above, I'll leave him alone 'cause some are interested in his work.
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