Shared Ableton Workspace in Sydney CBD

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Shared Ableton Workspace in Sydney CBD

Post by bland_handl » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:42 am


A unique opportunity for motivated, creative people, to join a fresh collective of writers, producers and musicians and to have an affordable, custom-built communal studio to work in.
This project has been operating sucessfully for the last 2 years, and all previous members are now either working overseas or running full-time studios and projects of their own.

Read on for details on the space, the equipment, what's required of you, and how to apply.
NOTE: This is not a grant. This is not a charity. Only serious, motivated, creative people will be considered. You need to be able to pay your own way, be diligent, tidy and considerate when it comes to shared environments, and above all have a passion for music, creativity and have aspirations at least at the semi-pro level. The costs are tiny and the mutual benfits are huge, so freeloaders and flakes are screened and weeded vigorously.


One room, in central Sydney shared in shifts by 3-to-5 people.
Writers, producers, performers, dj's, vj's musicians or motivated hobbyists can apply.
Each studio shift is 8 hours long, and each member is given 2 to 5 shifts per week (depending on your requirements).
Collaboration, jams and general group integration is encouraged and casual group sessions are scheduled from time to time, though they are not compulsory.

The rent is divided according to the amount of shifts you need per week, and on average works out at (including electricity) $16 per eight-hour shift (yes, thats sixteen dollars a day). Insurance is the only other cost, and is roughly $4 per shift depending on the communal equipment (see further down the page for more info).

All members are hand-picked and selected by the other members of the group. Main selection criteria include:
- Trustworthiness, security, and communal consideration first and foremost.
- The right mix of personalities, time schedules and non-music skills.
- Of lesser importance is your creative and professional history, and any equipment you could or would consider contributing to the combined set-up.

To Apply:

Read through the detailed description fo the room, communal equipment and other terms below. Hit the PM button on the bottom of this post to send a private email to ask any questions and to answer these questions:

(names and phone contacts aren’t necessary at this stage)

- why you’re interested in the space & what you’re currently doing musically.
- roughly what you plan to use the space for
- your musical or professional background
- how much many studio shifts you'd like, and what are your preferred days and times of the week.
- what times you’re never available will be helpful too.
- what gear would you consider contributing to the communal set-up, and what gear would you be bringing for your private set-up.
- what you could imagine yourself contributing to a 5-person Ableton jam session!
- any questions you might have, just ask!

The Location:

The studio is in the Sydney CBD, and is already built, secured, soundproofed and acoustically treated. The selected members can add their own personal touches to the room or customise their own workspace if needed.

Transport is excellent (parking can be tricky sometimes) and convenience / amenities are the best in Sydney.
NOTE: For security purposes, the exact address will not be provided except in private correspondence, and only once your initial application has been approved.

The Studio:

- Freshly painted, carpeted, and ambient lighting installed.
- Dimensions are 18m/sq with 3.5m ceiling and solid walls.
- There is also a very solid, small isolation room for mic recording.
- Acoustically treated & soundproofed against neighbours / outside world
- Air-Conditioned
- Alarmed & Insured
- Security camera installed
- After-hours access to building by swipe key
The room is non-smoking (there is a rooftop area for smokers) and all conduct in the studio is to be of a professional nature - no exceptions!
There are built-in workbenches, a monitoring area and main monitoring desk, connectivity patching, shelves for hardware synths, etc, and a lockable cupboard for equipment.

Who you are sharing with:

NOTE: This forum post will NOT be updated with a full equipment list or member list for security and privacy purposes. If you are chosen to join the group, then a brief description of your activities (no names) will be added here to encourage and inform other potential members. If you are chosen, you will also be equally be involved in selecting the other members.

Currently there is (1) member:
- professional Writer, Producer, Remixer, Performer & DJ.

Current equipment, for communal use:

NOTE: This forum post will NOT be updated with a full equipment list or member list for security purposes.

Currently there is (1) member providing equipment for communal use:

Hardware Synths (MiniMoog, Evolver)
Hardware Effects (Ensoniq DP/4, Moog Pedals)
Huge LG 42” LCD screen*
6” KRK active speakers*
RME Fireface 400 Audio Interface*
Patchbay to interconnect all communal equipment in the room*
Technics 1200 Turntable, bass guitar, dirtbox guitar amp

*These items will always be present. Other hardware, such as Synths & Effects will be available most of the time, unless in use elsewhere.

Equipment you'll need to bring:

You can choose to have a permanent set-up, or bring your portable pieces in with you for each session, or to use the lockable cupboard to store your gear when you are not there. Monitors, audio interface, displays and connectivity are provided.

You will need:
- your own computer, software and controller(s)(if any). You will also need to provide for your own back-up hard-drives, etc .
- any cracked users of Live need not apply.
- anything else is completely optional.

Sharing your additional equipment with the room is also optional. For example:
- if you have better speakers than the KRK’s then you can choose to integrate them into the communal system
- or you can choose to have the speakers set-up as your own personal monitoring setup that no-one else has permission to use
- the benefits of sharing are that your insurance costs for communal gear are shared by the group, and that trust breeds trust. ie: allowing your precious gear to be used by others will likely result in their cool gear being available to you.

Time Allocation per member:

Each day in the studio is divided into eight-hour shifts. Each member will be allocated between 2 and 5 eight-hour shifts per week, depending on your requirements. An appropriate mix of members will be selected with the aim of establishing a set roster.

The shift times are:

Daytime 9am – 5pm, seven days
Night-time 5pm – 1am, seven days

The Graveyard shift (1am - 9am) is unallocated and available for anyone who wants it, or for anyone who needs an early start to their Daytime shift or a late finish on their Night-time shift.

Rental Terms and Fees

Full proof of ID and current address kept on file. Referees will be contacted.
$800 bond per member.
Rent and electricity totals $16 per shift + insurance calculated per shift.

Important: the number of shifts are established at the outset and, once agreed upon, forms your rental committment. Members can trade, buy or sell their allottments only to other members. 1 months termination notice is required in writing.

Insurance charges will be divided equally per member on all communal equipment. Each member can elect to add any additional non-shared items to the insurance policy, but will have to pay for it themselves.

Please get in touch with any questions or suggestions.

Looking forward to working with you!

Posts: 239
Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:08 am
Location: sydney

Post by bland_handl » Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:54 am

hope nobody minds if I give this a little bump from time to time?

Pitch Black
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Post by Pitch Black » Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:05 am

Looks like a well thought-out idea! Best of luck with it!! :)
MBP M1Max | Sonoma 14.5 | Live 12.0.1 | Babyface Pro FS | Push 3T | A clump of controllers
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Post by ollyb303 » Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:37 am

If you fancy relocating to Bristol, UK, I'm in!

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Post by bland_handl » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:41 am

Thanks guys!

...and kerbump!!!

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Location: sydney

Post by bland_handl » Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:31 am

now with added xoxbox :D

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Location: sydney

Post by bland_handl » Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:37 pm


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Post by Moody » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:22 pm

Any pics of the place?
Ableton’s engineers are hard
at work developing code that will allow our software to predict the future, but we don’t
anticipate having this available until at least the next major release.

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