11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by stringtapper » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:17 pm

George Carlin wrote:I look at it this way... For centuries now, man has done everything he can to destroy, defile, and interfere with nature: clear-cutting forests, strip-mining mountains, poisoning the atmosphere, over-fishing the oceans, polluting the rivers and lakes, destroying wetlands and aquifers... so when nature strikes back, and smacks him on the head and kicks him in the nuts, I enjoy that. I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it's natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse.
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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by Emissary » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:25 pm

"It's a bird!"
"It's a plane!"
"It's.... Oh shit, it IS a plane!"

Did you hear the one about American Airlines new deal? They’ll fly you straight from the airport to the office.

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Knock knock!!
Knock knock who?
Knock knock knocked all your towers down!

Q: What is the New York City Fire Department's favorite song?
A: "It's Raining Men"

Q: What's Al Qaida's favorite football team?
A: The New York Jets

A fireman went home on 9/11 and told his wife that he almost died. "My buddy Stan and I were running toward one tower after the other one fell, he said, "But then Stan got hit by a jumper! Thirty seconds later, the north tower collapsed. If Stan didn't get hit, we both would have been goners!"

The fireman's wife turned to him and said, "Is this going to be a long story?"

Q: What does WTC stand for?
A: What Trade Centre?

Q: What's 9 divided by 11 divided by 01?
A: A good investment in real estate. (A temporary dip in the price of downtown real estate, followed by an almost 100% increase over the next five years.)

Q: What was the last thing going through Mr. Jones' head when he was working on the World Trade Center's 90th floor?
A: The 91st floor.

Q: What's the last thing that went through the minds of the 9/11 jumpers?
A: Their ankles.

Q: What color were Mohammed Atta's eyes?
A: Blue. One blue this way, the other blue that way!

Q: How many Americans died in 9/11?
A: Who gives a fuck?

Q: What's the biggest difference between 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing?
A: Foreigners once again prove they can do it better and more efficiently.

Q: When does a pentagon have four sides?
A: When it intersects a plane.

Have you heard about the decision about the memorial at the WTC site?
The city decided to go with an open park and the worlds largest franchise of the "International House of Pancakes!"

Q: How many New Yorkers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Nobody knows since they keep jumping out the window when it gets too hot!

Q: How long does it take to reach the ground from 107 stories up?
A: The rest of your life!

Well, 9/11 sure proves one thing... New Yorkers can really come together in a crunch!

Q: What kind of pizzas did they last order at the World Trade Center?
A: Two large planes!

Now that might upset a few, but its interesting to read and see which ones you find funny, some go too far and some are still too raw for now i think. Have a read and see, i only found 2 of them funny, how about you?

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by stringtapper » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:38 pm

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by smutek » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:48 pm


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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by smutek » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:52 pm

Emissary wrote:Have a read and see, i only found 2 of them funny, how about you?

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by DrXparaMental » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:52 pm

McQ714 wrote:no can do... if people are assholes, i feel the need to call them out on it! and if i'm an asshole, i'd expect others to call me out, too.

the day has passed, but i doubt it will ever be forgotten. certainly not in my lifetime. i almost lost my brother that day. if it weren't for NYC traffic keeping him from getting to the first tower to do emergency electrical repairs after the first plane crashed. i knew he was on his way there but i couldn't get a hold of him for about 3 hours after that. and when the 2nd tower was struck, i didn't know if he was ok. it was the longest 3 hours of my life. i can only imagine what the families of the victims had gone through, especially those who were able to talk to their loved ones from United Flight 93. how do you tell someone that you are about to die?
90% of the users on this forum are either talentless nerds, cheese eating punks or anonymous cowards who's major victory in life thus far is learning to ride trains & buses. Most are still working hard to perfect how to best fuck their pillows. For the life of me I don't know why the rest of us even come here. There is just too little individual intelligence displayed on this forum to keep my attention for very long.

Don't waste your energy doing exactly what the REAL creeps want.

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by Emissary » Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:16 pm

smutek wrote:
Emissary wrote:Have a read and see, i only found 2 of them funny, how about you?
oh come on, not even the Mohammed Atta one? that was against the baddy! i bet he had some evil music playing just behind his head whenever people looked at him, like in iron man.

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by nuxnamon » Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:32 pm

on a lighter note: skip the intro and straight to the 1 minute mark..


beats me
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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by beats me » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:09 pm

We just got the clearance on Revolutionary War jokes, so yeah, it's probably a little soon for 9/11 jokes.

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by djsynchro » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:32 pm

Emissary wrote:
smutek wrote:
Emissary wrote:Have a read and see, i only found 2 of them funny, how about you?
oh come on, not even the Mohammed Atta one? that was against the baddy! i bet he had some evil music playing just behind his head whenever people looked at him, like in iron man.
All of them :D

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:41 pm

smutek wrote: However, I think it is also important to understand that people will react differently - some people may not find some jokes funny, regardless of the content.
Yep, right now neb is posting AIDS jokes on his fun fun friday blog. I've lost three friends to AIDS, but it's nebs right IMO to poke fun at the situation. Somebody else has the right to get pissed at him if they want to. The thing that irks me and probably others, is that 9/11 is considered taboo by many, while other atrocities are OK. AIDS isn't some old thing that's timed out, it's still going on, so it falls outside the whole "too soon" argument.

So ask yourself if you're not putting a certain event into some "holy ground", while others are OK to fuck around with? I think you are, as are a lot of americans.

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by Tone Deft » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:56 pm

Machinesworking wrote:
smutek wrote: However, I think it is also important to understand that people will react differently - some people may not find some jokes funny, regardless of the content.
Yep, right now neb is posting AIDS jokes on his fun fun friday blog. I've lost three friends to AIDS, but it's nebs right IMO to poke fun at the situation. Somebody else has the right to get pissed at him if they want to. The thing that irks me and probably others, is that 9/11 is considered taboo by many, while other atrocities are OK. AIDS isn't some old thing that's timed out, it's still going on, so it falls outside the whole "too soon" argument.

So ask yourself if you're not putting a certain event into some "holy ground", while others are OK to fuck around with? I think you are, as are a lot of americans.
yep, a FFF AIDS thread is in really poor taste. being a Texan I expect those kinds of views from neb. :P

the outsourcing joke made me lol. it's funny on a few levels.
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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:26 pm

DrXparaMental wrote: For the life of me I don't know why the rest of us even come here.
You're right, you're so much more above this "place".

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by smutek » Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:38 pm

Machinesworking wrote:
smutek wrote: However, I think it is also important to understand that people will react differently - some people may not find some jokes funny, regardless of the content.
Yep, right now neb is posting AIDS jokes on his fun fun friday blog. I've lost three friends to AIDS, but it's nebs right IMO to poke fun at the situation. Somebody else has the right to get pissed at him if they want to. The thing that irks me and probably others, is that 9/11 is considered taboo by many, while other atrocities are OK. AIDS isn't some old thing that's timed out, it's still going on, so it falls outside the whole "too soon" argument.

So ask yourself if you're not putting a certain event into some "holy ground", while others are OK to fuck around with? I think you are, as are a lot of americans.
Sure, fair enough. Poor taste is in the eyes of the beholder. I edited my post saying as much, and maybe a little more.

However, in quoting and responding, you must have missed the part where I assert that the intent of the original poster had nothing at all to do with humor, but was instead a deliberate, trolling provocation.

You see, honestly, if it were Emissary, a long time poster with whom I can not recall ever having a major disagreement, who had made the original post I think I might not have been nearly as extreme and absolutist in my response. I might have thought, yeah, that was in poor taste, and I might have said as much, but probably not in such strong terms.

Not because I feel any differently about the event, but because I probably would not have interpreted the intent of the statement as having been malicious.

So, truthfully, I think you're mischaracterizing me.

I understand your point about a lot of Americans being painfully aware of their own tragedies yet painfully ignorant of the tragedies of others.

I remember seeing a thread on another message board I frequent about a school shooting here in the States with 7 pages of, justifiably, passionate responses - yet a thread I had posted about American made Israeli jets dropping cluster bombs on densely populated civilian areas in Gaza slipped off of the front page with barely one or two responses.

That sort of thing really burns me up.

The thing that irks me is that some folks who fancy themselves to be "left of center" think that 9/11 is somehow fair game strictly because of the existence of these other atrocities, particularly those committed by the United States, and that those who mourn it or want to give it a place in that "holy ground", as you call it, are by extension fair game as well.

Our 9/11 or Chile's 9/11, Qana in 1996 or the Sbarro bombing in 2001, Sabra and Shatila or the Marine barracks in Beirut, Iran Air flight 655 or Pan Am flight 103, the Armenian Holocaust or the Jewish Holocaust - you see to me they are all sacred, they all deserve that "holy ground", and I think I may always find jokes about them in poor taste - especially when they are made with malicious intent.

That's my prerogative. Fuck it - I guess I'm just an extremist or something.

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Re: 11/sept- A great day for celebration! Happy Birthday Fanny..

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:09 pm

smutek wrote: The thing that irks me is that some folks who fancy themselves to be "left of center" think that 9/11 is somehow fair game strictly because of the existence of these other atrocities, particularly those committed by the United States, and that those who mourn it or want to give it a place in that "holy ground", as you call it, are by extension fair game as well.

They are fair game, even more so than 9/11. Anybody who thinks a person or particular event should be sacred and above humor is.
Our 9/11 or Chile's 9/11, Qana in 1996 or the Sbarro bombing in 2001, Sabra and Shatila or the Marine barracks in Beirut, Iran Air flight 655 or Pan Am flight 103, the Armenian Holocaust or the Jewish Holocaust - you see to me they are all sacred, they all deserve that "holy ground", and I think I may always find jokes about them in poor taste - especially when they are made with malicious intent.
You're fair game then. It's your own outrage that makes it even funnier to some. Basically you have to ask yourself how much of a hypocrite do I want to be? or how little humor do I want in my life?

I will never censor humor, ever. I would say my 'holy ground' is humor. You can bitch and whine all you want about a particular joke etc. but all humor is based on someone being made into an ass, or a sacred topic is poked fun at, done wrong etc. There really isn't any exception to this, and the humor that's the 'nicest' simply isn't that funny IMO.

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