Logic, Reason, Live, 828, and Universal Connectivity

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blue alien

Logic, Reason, Live, 828, and Universal Connectivity

Post by blue alien » Mon Jul 15, 2002 4:03 pm

First Issue. Any Tibook users have trouble recording with the 828 in Logic. I've spent many months meticulously tuning and tweaking configurations to no avail. About 50-80% of the time I make an audio recording it becomes white noise or garbled up bits and pieces of the new audio and other audio files on the hard disk at various speeds. Amidst a sea of overload error messages sometimes I'm able to record. I've seen people able to record flawlessly with the G3 PowerBooks, but I'm thinkin' my 828 is rotten at the core. Before I try and wrangle with MOTU about my warranty.......anyone else have these sorts of trouble?

Next. Maybe someone can wrap their head around this. I'm trying to create a setup to run LIVE and Reason together in a mixerless fashion by routing the pre-listen from LIVE out the MAC AV headphone out. Live doesn't support multiple hardware at the same time so I was trying to run both LIVE and Reason into Logic. This would also be optimal so that I could change songs in one app while the other keeps playing (a la two turntables and a mixer). I set up a digital loop on the 828 by connecting the SPDIF out to the SPDIF in and buss the pre-listen in LIVE to these outs 9-10 in order to import the pre-listen audio into LOGIC. The catch. There is no way to get the MAC AV hardware to "see" this signal and then to buss it to the Tibook headphone out. Any ideas??





Post by donglekong » Mon Jul 15, 2002 5:29 pm

I dont know about the 2nd issue, but if i were you i would try Norton Speed disc or some other defrag utillity, if you haven't already. My iBook500/828/logic kit stated doing that(after a year of use), then i got norton utilities, used them, and now my computer and i are all pleased.
good luck, yo


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 16, 2002 3:29 am

Don't know about the second issue , but got all of a sudden problem with 896MOTU on TiBook using Logic audio.... the MOTU just drops its connection after a while randomly i have to restart MOTU 896 , the problem startet to appear yesterday after sucsessful use for 2weeks with NO probs.
eny ideas?

P.S. if i turn MOTU on it can't find the digital synk at all!!!!! just keeps looping and all lights flush...

blue alien


Post by blue alien » Tue Jul 16, 2002 7:46 am

Your autoload.lso could have become corrupted. Remove it from your logic folder, boot Logic and it will create a new blank autoload. Test the 896, if all is well you'll have to rebuild a new autoload for your studio. If the problem persits...make sure you have all the most current drivers, trash all the preference files, rebuild desktop, ZAP the PRAM, do a voodoo dance, call your mom, etc., etc., etc....

blue alien house inc.
an interstellar media-arts collective


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 16, 2002 11:41 am

It is not aproblem with Logic, the MOTU896 just goes crazy flashing lights in loop on its own. And if i try to start the Motu FireWire controll panel i am getting "No FireWire Port present " What else could i try?

blue alien

MOTU drivers and prefs, re-install

Post by blue alien » Tue Jul 16, 2002 12:02 pm

Like I said, trash the MOTU drivers and prefs, re-install. Make sure you didn't make any other settings in your system that could be conflicting with the MOTU driver (like SoundManager). If the problem persists the only way to make sure it's the 896 is to do a clean universal install. I know that's ugly and takes alot of time, but it's the only way to be sure that a driver or preference file hasn't become corrupted. Believe me, I've done my share of troubleshooting...... Get on the MOTU mailing list and search the archives.....I think it's topica.com. There are many there much wiser than I. Good luck.



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