Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

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Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:51 pm

I upgraded to Windows 7, 64-bit edition this weekend. My specs on my custom desktop are Q6600, 4gb ram, and on my Dell Latitude D630 laptop are T7500, 4gb ram. Both installs went flawlessly, took about half the time of a typical XP fresh install.

At first, the only issues came from the User Account Control - but once I turned UAC off, everything fell into place. My RME Multiface installed with no issues, and I was able to set the same latency as XP - 3ms. I can get lower, but I don't need to.

Live 8 performed at about the same CPU usage as in XP with the same projects. The only thing to realize is that if you have a 32-bit app, it'll only run 32-bit plugins. If you have a 64-bit app, it'll only run 64-bit plugs. So for example, you can run 64-bit Sonar or 64-bit reaper, but you need for example Sonar's bit-bridge to run a 32-bit vst plugin inside the app. Anyways, with Live, that's not really an issue - it's a 32-bit app, and 95% of my plugs come only in 32-bit mode, so it all works fine for me.

Overall benefits are that Win 7 feels smoother than XP, and it's certainly much more beautiful to look at. It multithreads better with 2 or 4 cores, so things feel less jittery. The UI enhancements are really nice and I believe will definitely give Apple a run for its money. Plus fully utilizing all 4gb of my ram, and having no issues to get loads more when ram gets cheaper - that's a big bonus! From an audio standpoint, I think it's a very worthwhile upgrade.

If you have a multicore machine and 4gb or more of ram, Win7 x64 is the way to go!

Android Bishop
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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by Android Bishop » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:26 pm

thanks for the update! I'm holding out on Win7 because I dont want to reinstall all my vst plugins again (such a bitch) but so far all I'm hearing is great things about it.

also, i'm mad jealous of your multiface. I have a real hard time getting my overall latency below 15ms in my firebox.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by McQ714 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:31 pm

neb... which version of Windows 7 did you install? Ultimate, Pro, Home Premium??? i don't really see any advantages, for me, between Pro and Ultimate as all of the features that differentiate the two seem more aimed at IT guys and people dealing with large networks. I'm a guy that likes to have it all in a software program but I'm not sure it's necessary this time!?!

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:33 pm

Android Bishop wrote:thanks for the update! I'm holding out on Win7 because I dont want to reinstall all my vst plugins again (such a bitch) but so far all I'm hearing is great things about it.

also, i'm mad jealous of your multiface. I have a real hard time getting my overall latency below 15ms in my firebox.
It's a bitch, yes, but it's not so bad - you can probably get all that done in about 2-3 hours of concentrated effort. If you have 4gb or more of ram and a multi-core processor, trust me, it's WAY worth it!

As for low latencies, nothing beats PCI or PCIe. If I had a desktop, I wouldn't bother with anything else, even if it means getting older gear. I can get my multiface as low as 32 samples, or 0.7ms latency, which is sick.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:34 pm

@McQ714 whatever you can still get for free from M$ - I believe it's the RC or Ultimate? I dunno, but I'll likely order Ultimate when I can get it OEM from Newegg.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by McQ714 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:58 pm

I pre-ordered 3 copies of Pro and 1 copy of Home Premium when they had that deal because I have a few computers I'll be upgrading anyway. Just not sure which I'll be putting on my main DAW yet. Either Pro or Ultimate. It's running Vista Ultimate 64 now, as is one of my laptops in a dual boot with Vista Ultimate 32... Thank you Korg for not making 64-bit firewire drivers that actually work for my Zero 4.... Assholes! I think I'll be putting Pro on both of my laptops (work and play), and Home Premium on a secondary computer I built after upgrading the CPU and mobo in my main DAW. Gonna use it as a Media PC, me thinks. Which leaves me with just the main DAW and 1 copy of Pro left. I also have my girlfriend's laptop to upgrade, which is on XP now, but I'll probably order another copy of Home Premium for that if she wants to upgrade. Wish I had ordered a couple more copies before the deal ran out. Whatever version I install, it will definitely be 64-bit.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:14 pm

^ wow, man, how do you keep all of those machines straight?!

Anyways, not sure I know what the big difference is, and not sure how much I care. I just have simple needs, and for an OS to require 10gb of diskspace bugs me. But still, it's a killer OS.

Part of the reason the initial boot is 15gb is that my freaking pagefile is set to 4096 min/max.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by McQ714 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:20 pm

you can change all that and move it to a different location, like a 2nd hard drive. common rule about page file is that it should be 1.5 times the amount of RAM you have. so for me, it's set at 12 gb but it's not installed on my C drive.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:36 pm

^I think that rule was modified once you hit the 1gb mark, and it's no longer the case. I used to run my XP without any paging at all, and I'm debating doing the same with Win7.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by McQ714 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:44 pm

i thought 12 gb seemed like a lot but couldn't find anything other than forum posts to say it wasn't necessary. most guides just say to monitor the file size and adjust accordingly. i had the room and didn't want to fuss, so i chose the 1.5x method.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by Goran@Irrupt » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:05 pm

i got a new laptop recently with Windows Vista preinstalled. before this i was running XP on both of my machines (Desktop and old laptop). now, since i'm still getting used to Vista, would it be smart for me to jump to Win 7 now? what do i win and what do i loose. i know that i'll gain more RAM since i have 4Gb in my machine(s), but Vista 32Bit can only recognize 3Gb. i have a Motu Ultralight interface, will that couse me any problems?
and, i have one more concern to add and it's additional license(s) for my Live products. are there any limits? i'm waiting two weeks (!) now to get another unlock, i'm not sure if Abes would be happy to give me two more unlocks (for Desktop and laptop) if i decide to jump to Win 7. :?
any thoughts? suggestions?
thanks! ? Irrupt Studios / A&R

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by chis » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:07 pm

Changed your mind then, Neb? :lol:

Edit: WebSite, give them a shout via e-mail. I loathe Ableton's authorisation system as much as the next HONEST BUYER, but at least they have always been quick to respond to my unlock requests.

And damnit Neb, I'm jealous of that Multiface too! :|

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:27 pm

^ Win7 is a lot faster than Vista - feels less bloated, more responsive. The latency on it is pretty close or as close as XP, from what I've heard and experienced on my gear.

Also, the Abes will give you unlocks if you explain your situation and are credible and nice and not douchy.

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by McQ714 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:34 pm

did you have to reinstall Live and all your plugs? or was it a simple upgrade to win7? what programs if any did you have to reinstall?

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Re: Successfully Installed Windows 7 64-bit

Post by nebulae » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:44 pm

I had to do a clean install because I was running XP. If you have Vista, you should be able to do an upgrade, but I never ever recommend an incremental upgrade on Windows - always do a fresh install and reinstall everything so that it's all clean.

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