Plugmod supposed to work?

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Plugmod supposed to work?

Post by Veqtor » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:22 pm

With plugin~ and plugout~ being a central part of m4l, it would make sense to have plugmod as a part of it too, is it supposed to work in M4L or are we supposed to go the Live.API route when controlling external device parameters? (which wouldn't make much sense since it seems to me it's a lot of work to make it work well, especially since it doesn't auto update when new devices are added and the old designated parameter ID isn't recalled from the umenu with the parameters, essentially forgetting the old param id when updating)

There needs to be a better, simpler way of doing this!

Gregory Taylor
Posts: 268
Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:11 pm

Re: Plugmod supposed to work?

Post by Gregory Taylor » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:36 pm

I have it on very good authority that the ONLY reason plugmod still shows up at all in 5 is to throw out less errors when people try to open old patchers. The Live API is the way to go for such things. While I agree that it could perhaps be easier, it's what's going to be in the initial release (and I have no idea what might follow, when, etc. Merely that it's a work in progress).

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